EC side effects - Sinus and Headache

  • 6 replies
  • 284 subscribers


Last week I had my 4th and final EC infusion. On the 3rd infusion and now the 4th I have experienced Sinus issues (bubbling in the nose) and really bad headaches from around day 7. (I’m now day 9)

I am cold capping mainly to help with regrowth as I’ve lost around 40% of my hair and it was thin to begin with so can’t go out with a hat.

Anyone else experienced this and if so do you have any recommendations to get rid of it? 

PS. Experiencing the usual fatigue and nausea too.

Thanks xx

  • Hi Letsdothis

    Thanks so much for your post.  Sorry to hear of your side effects. 

    I completed 16 chemotherapy rounds in November.  I had 4 EC fortnightly, and 12 wkly Paclitaxel. I didn't use the cold cap. 

    After my 2nd round of EC, from day 3, I had a nuclear grade debilitating headache which lasted for 13days. I've never felt so ill. I had to have my 3rd round delayed and the dose reduced for the final 2.

    I didn't find my oncologist that helpful. After visiting A and E and having an oncology appointment. They advised me to take paracetamol! In the end I made an executive decision and took the strong painkillers left over after my mastectomy/lumpectomy, co-drydomol I think, they worked. 

    I'd encourage you to explain your symptoms to your team, hopefully they'll offer you something to help.

    Well done for getting through the 4 rounds. EC is no joke!

    I wish you speedy healing. Hugs...

  • Thankyou Heart️ and thanks so much for your reply. I’m on exactly the same regime as you were, taxol begins in the next 3 weeks.

    13 days is ALOT of headache! Poor you Pensive.

    Paracetamol do nothing so I’m on the solphadine which work for a while.

    I had a look online at various credible websites and there is barely anything about headaches and sinus issues as a side effect so reaching out to you guys.

    A fantastic oncology nurse recommended a sinus spray which I don’t like the sound of but I’ll give it a try in a few days if it doesn’t clear.

    So glad you’re all done with your chemo. Hope your are well on your way to a full recovery xxx

  • Yes, perhaps we are a couple of the unlucky ones! Headache seems to be one of the rare side effects.

    I've just finished radiotherapy this week.  Now thinking about life after treatment...

    Wishing you all the best with Taxol and beyond. Be gentle with yourself x

  • I’m sorry you’re struggling with headaches, I also got a lot of headaches/migraines but the source wasn’t the chemo, I was on ECT, it was the filgastrim injections. Initially I was having 7 injections but we reduced them to 5 injections and that helped reduce the severity and number of days I had them. I’m wondering if yours are also the same source as they are occurring a while after the chemo is administered. I know of others who have reduced to 3 days worth. My white blood cells held up with less inject so maybe that’s something to consider with your team? All the best x

  • Thanks for the advice, I’ll speak to them about it. Hope you’re doing well xx

  • Yes I’m good, thank you, all my treatment behind me now. Good luck with the rest of your cycles xx