Radiotherapy after breast cancer

  • 24 replies
  • 294 subscribers

Hi all!

I will start radiotherapy on 12/02 till 05/03. 15 sessions. I have been awake for 2 hours and it’s 5am.

Just a little anxious! After reading about side effects and long term ones.

I tell myself that not everybody reacts the same…

I have had a lumpectomy, 9 lymph nodes removed, a melanoma wide incision and 2 sentinelle nodes removed. 

Now it is time for radiotherapy. I am more anxious for this than I have been for the previous surgeries. I have recovered very well.

What scares me the most it’s the fatigue…

Also which cream shall I use…. There seem to be quite a choise…I have been using Aveeno daily moisturising lotion for my breast and arm and I wonder if you can suggest something more specific for radiation treatment.

I also read that I could loose up to 10% of my weight! I am already quite slim and do not want to loose anymore!!!

Well, I had a cup of herbal tea and 1 egg on toast!

I hope to sleep for a couple of hours.

  • Hi Greenwater, I am also about to start radiotherapy - it was due to start yesterday but delayed as my wound opened. I think fears are normal - mine are more fixated on the hormone therapy than radiotherapy. 

    I am trying to remind myself that most people have no / minimal side effects. My friend who is a physio has said it’s really important to keep hydrated throughout and after as this contributes to fatigue. They recommended organic coconut water as it contains electrolytes. And to have a healthy diet and to keep active (but also rest if you feel you need to). 
    for creams I think it’s usually best to stick to what your skin is used to but ideally something unperfumed. I have super sensitive skin… I use a scentless moisturiser from Green People but have also seen aveeno and moogoo recommended. I also have some organic aloe vera that I plan to use straight after treatment. I think weight loss is more associated when the therapy is around your throat but might be wrong - I hadn’t heard of that. 

    Am sending a hug - it’s one tough stage after another but we are already post surgery and will soon enough be post radiotherapy X 

  • Hello Greenwater, I completed 15 sessions of radiotherapy two weeks ago. It was very tiring but that was also because I had an hour to an hour and a half drive to the hospital. I am still very fatigued and sleeping a lot. Fortunately I am 74 and I don’t have to work. I used the Aveeno cream too before and every day during and since. My skin has been ok, a little red and itchy but nothing like I feared and I am fair skinned. However everyone is different. I tried to drink plenty of water and still do which helps. Remember your consultant has to tell you about all the possible side effects that you MIGHT get, although I think fatigue is very common. It sounds as though you are suffering from anxiety, have you thought about getting help for that? I got free counselling sessions via MacMillan which really helped. Hope it all goes well.

  • Hi Greenwater. I had a lumpectomy and micap reconstruction. I have just started radiotherapy and am now six sessions in. Until the last two sessions I felt little in the way of side effects. I am now feeling a sun burn like soreness and occasional short lived stabbing pains. I am told that this is perfectly normal. It's not too bad so far. I use E45 cream as advised and it works well. The staff have been great and they were very accommodating in changing start times as needed. I do feel tired but this improves on resting. Sessions stop for weekends so that gives a nice break and recovery time. I hope your treatment goes well. Don't waste energy worrying, just face it day by day. Best wishes. X

  • Hi Greenwater, sorry to hear that you are feeling so anxious about your radiotherapy. I had 15 sessions of radiotherapy in December and had very little in the way of side effects. I started off using E45, but found this a bit irritating, although I had used it after surgery. They advised me to change to Aveeno and Aloe Vera gel, which sorted it out for me. The radiotherapy treatments are quite quick and painless. I found the worst part travelling to and from the hospital everyday, It was an hour + each way, there and back, which was a bit tiring. Try not to stress and I wish you well moving forward. Xx

  • Hi there

    I had a right side mastectomy 5th December with nodes taken for biopsy but thankfully clear so no chemo but I have my radiotherapy consultation in 2 weeks and very apprehensive, I've been told I've gone through the worst part but it's the unknown that's the worst part I have stocked up on aloe Vera so hoping this will help.

    I'm wishing you all well with your ongoing recovery Pray x Heart 

  • Hi

    i had 9 sessions of radiotherapy, 4 were boosts where the tumour was. My last one was on 14 January. I can honestly say from my experience it is nothing to worry about. I have not had fatigue. I have moisturised 3 times daily with flamigel and have had no skin reaction at all. During treatment I had a bit of discomfort but it didn’t even require pain killers. It is a doddle compared to chemo and surgery.

    hope it goes well.

  • Bless you, it is always daunting when going into the unknown.  I used E45 and Aveeno throughout and did not lose any weight (wish I had!). I would listen to the radiologists and keep hydrated. Fatigue varies but I continued my normal life throughout including running craft workshops, but avoided extra strenuous activities including having shopping delivered, getting family to help with housework. Take time out for yourself, get the knitting out/read a book or just watch your favourite tv which will all help to pass the time whilst you relax at home when you can.  Take care Lx 

  • I had 15 sessions followed by 4 tumour bed boosts. I used Aveeno after the actual treatment then at bedtime. I work in a school so used to go to work, nip out to have the radiotherapy and back to work. Honestly other than it being repetitive it wasn’t that bad. I made sure I drank plenty of fluids as I read that helped as well. Good luck xx

  • Hi  

    I had my 15 sessions of radiotherapy 7 years ago and I was really concerned about the side effects, but actually I found it the easiest of everything.  The fear of the unknown is the worst isn't it?

    Aloe Vera Gel (Holland & Barrett) would be just perfect.  I bought a special one and actually the Aloe Vera Gel was just the same and would have saved me a fortune!  On the 3rd week, I would have stopped putting gel under my breast (in hindsight) as it was here is rubbed the gel on my bra strap and got the radio burns. 

    I 100% agree with WhatNext.  I honestly think Fluids is the answer to beating fatigue. I went at the same time every day with 3 other ladies.  2 of us drank loads and 2 not much.  The 2 of us who drank were fine (I drove 60 miles in total for my radio for the 3 weeks and was perfectly ok). The other 2 - fatigued.  One even fell asleep at her desk at work, but she'd only had 1 cup of tea all day and our time was 4pm.

    I had a pint of squash in morning, large mugs of coffee, green tea, black tea throughout the day and a big coffee from the hospital shop (as a treat) for my journey home and at least 3 or 4 mugs of fluids in the evening.

    I was concerned reading all the other side effects, but despite being LHS and not being able to do breathe technique, I've had no side effects then or later.

    Good luck with your radio. I am sure you'll be fine.

    Kindest wishes, 


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  • Thank you for all your replies and I have to say, you have all helped in lowering my anxiety. Yes, it is the unknown that is worrying. I have not being awake now for days and I know I will take your advice...drink, drink, rest, rest and eat healthy. Thanks for the advice on the moisturisers too.
    I'm lucky I am retired and in good health, so I know I can come out the other side pretty well.
    Thank you all again and I will update my journey. 

    Lots of hugs