The longest wait!

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  • 285 subscribers


Back in July I went to the GP about a lump/pain, she put me on naproxin for a week but after no change I was put on the 2 week wait, after waiting the whole 2 week I was sent for an ultrasound as a precaution where I had a biopsy on the lump and lymph nodes. After a long 6 week wait they said the lump looked not cancer but wanted to check the lymph nodes so another biopsy and 3 week wait. To be safe they wanted to take the lump out so another 3 week wait for that and nearly 4 week for the result... 25th November - The lump was a grade 1 invasive ductal carcinoma! I was only 33..

Got told I need to have an MRI in 2 weeks to be told they can only do it on day 6-16 of a monthly and I'd just missed the window, waited 3 week and was all set for it in January just extremely anxious. Then at the last minute told I couldn't have it done because the I have a shunt in my head and them not knowing what type it was (programmable could lead to brain damage) I had and x-ray and all ok but now need to wait again for the MRI.

2 months since the diagnosis I'm now struggling with all the waiting! It could be another re-excision (what they took out didn't have a clear margin and a lots of pre-cancerous cells) and they radiotherapy, it could a mastectomy and they need to recheck the lymph nodes so potential of chemo. There is no way of telling what will happen. 

  • Hi, I’m sorry you’ve had to wait so long.. waiting for the biopsies and to see if it had spread from the lymph nodes was horrendous and felt forever and that was two weeks, then it was four weeks after that for treatment to begin so I can imagine how hard it is for you.

    nothing I say can help but try to keep your spirits high & remind yourself it’s a fight you WILL win. 
    I wish you all the best xx

  • Finally going for my MRI on Wednesday! I'm super anxious as never had one before. I don't like the thought of being face down and alone. Also anxious after waiting so long this is what will define the next steps..

  • Hope the MRI is conclusive - trying not to worry is hard but try to relax a little leading up to the appointment. I am sure the staff will be there for you, just let them know you are anxious about being left alone.  Take care xx

  • Hi, to help me through the MRI, I wore the headphones they gave me with some music playing, but I also just counted numbers in my head, and really focussed on my counting. This helped me to ensure I was lying still and gave me something else to think about. It might not work for everyone but it helped me.

    Also, my top tip is to wear leggings, they don't have any metal so they should let you wear them so you retain slightly more dignity than the hospital gown alone!   Best wishes for Wednesday 

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  • Just been diagnosed stage 2 lump in left breast. Now awaiting MRI to check for for any spread and been told 2 weeks and then 6 weeks for lumpectomy. 

    Finding it hard to sleep, anxiety is high. Two weeks seems a bit of a wait, just want to find out if its just that lump or more.  6 weeks for the op seems forever.

  • Hi All,

    Thought I'd update that on Wednesday I had the MRI. The nurse said she'd try and push for it to be discussed in the MDT on Thursday but no promises... did hear anything so panicked that I'd need to wait another week but she called Friday morning say the scan came back all clear! I've not stopped smiling since! 

    Still need a surgery to remove the precancerous cells, when thats healed 5 days radiotherapy the hormone tablets but suddenly that feels like a walk in the park!

  • That's great news! xx