Treatment and working

  • 3 replies
  • 285 subscribers

Dear All, I am due to start chemo and I currently work from home, have many of you being able to continue working while undergoing treatment as unsure whether to start planning for this. Many thanks

  • Hi I had chemo and worked from home. I had some days were i literally just turned my lap top on and had it next to me. My manager knew my situation so I wasn't constantly being sent tasks, some days I was more productive but I honestly don't think I could have got up, dressed, driven and then spent a day in the office with people. 

  • Hi there, I worked from home, throughout all my treatment, including chemo. What helped was to avoid scheduling early calls, so I wasn't rushing to get up if I'd had a bad night.  I found that the day of chemo and even 1-2 days after were ok, but days 4&5 were the hardest, so once I had figured this out, I had no meetings in on those days.  I also ensured people at work knew about my treatment, often I needed to pop unexpectedly or frequently to the loo for example, and people were super supportive as I was very open about what I was going through. We are all different but I hope you feel well enough to work.  Best wishes

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  • Hi

    i have worked from home. It has helped to keep me busy. I’ve started new weekly chemos and therefore working around my chemo schedule. 
    there are days where I’m more tired and schedule those in. X