Thanks x
Hi Mistyfox89
Welcome to the forum.I'm sorry to know that you find yourself but also please to see that you've found this supportive space early in your treatment.
Thank you for your post. I just thought I'd reach out with a few words.
Last Feb. I too was diagnosed with grade 3 ductal carcinoma. I have since had a L mastectomy and R lumpectomy, followed by chemotherapy and I will be having radiotherapy next week.
I found that with a cancer diagnosis comes much uncertainty, which can provoke both new and old anxieties. I imagine that dealing with imposter feelings at this time might make things even more challenging.
Remember, you are dealing with a serious diagnosis and a heavy treatment regime. You are deserving of any and all support possible.
I don't know much about picc lines, as I have a portacath. I believe it serves the same function though. I definitely feel it helped make my chemo infusions less complicated, as there was no need to search for a vein each week. I could see the 'vein struggle' with some of my fellow patients.
As for chemotherapy, from speaking to others and reading these forums. I can see that each person is affected differently. In my experience, it is hard but you will most likely find that the experience does not equal your worst fears. Help is available with any side effects.
If we are ever to be in need of people and organisations to lean on, that time is definitely now when dealing with cancer.
I encourage you to use this forum, ask as many questions as you need to and take good care.
Wishing you all the best with your treatment and beyond. Peace
Thank you so much for reading my post. I'm really glad too that I have found so many supportive people here. Being able to see and read others treatment Journeys and creating connections i can imagine will be a great help. Thank you for sharing I'm sorry about your diagnosis and hope you have all of the support you need. I hope you're treatment is going well and continues to do so
I️ have terrible veins which is the reason I was recommended the picc line. I think they said it'll stay in my arm for 3 months. Hopefully it will make things slightly easier.
Thank you so much again for taking the time to reply to me. You have eased some of my anxieties about upcoming treatment. I hope your Radiotherapy goes well.
Take care x
Hi Mistyfox89 I also got diagnosed with a grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma on 31st Dec 2024, mine is also HER2 Positive but hormone negative.
I’ve had to have a PICC line inserted too.
I had my first chemo (EC) on Monday just gone.
How are you feeling now? Have you started treatment?
I felt I wouldn’t need support really and also felt okay about losing my hair, thinking it’s just a means to an end. But now I’ve started chemo and have the PICC line inserted, everything feels a bit too real.
Maybe we could be a support for each other given we’re at similar stages with similar disease?
Hoping you’re well
Hi Jjjane, I hope you're doing well. Sorry it's taken me ages to reply. How are you feeling after starting treatment?
I started chemo the Monday before last I ended up having a bit of a panic before hand. The Nursing team on the Day unit were amazing and explained everything clearly. My first couple of weeks I won't lie I wasn't feeling my best. In the last couple of days I have started losing my hair but my wig will be ready friday.
I think it would be nice to be able to support each other through our journeys.
Hoping you're well ️ xx
Please don’t worry about reply times!
I’m really sorry you had a panic, it can be so intimidating. It’s a foreign and scary process and you’re completely entrusting nurses that you’ve never met before to give you strong drugs so I completely understand the panic. I’m so glad they could reassure you and you braved the treatment despite being scared, that’s a really hard thing to do!
Are you having treatment every 3 weeks? I hope now the first one is done for you, it’ll make the second that little bit easier.
I’m really glad you’re feeling better these past few days, I started to feel more human after about 5 days and by day 8 was surprisingly feeling pretty well! Still find the PICC line very weird but getting less frightened of it day by day
How are you feeling about your hair? I had a last minute change of heart and gave the scalp cooling a go and I’m holding on to it at the moment (2 weeks after first treatment) but there had been some thinning so I’ve ordered a cheapo wig to be an emergency one if necessary!
I hope you’re pleased with your wig once it’s ready!
sending love xx
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