Muscle weakness 2 years after lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy

  • 2 replies
  • 281 subscribers

My arm seems to be getting weaker and it's 2 and half years since my surgery. I notice more at my exercise class that it's much weaker than the other. Sometimes when reading in bed that arm sticks in a certain position and I cannot move it.

Is any of this normal and can I do anything to improve the strength in that arm

  • Hi,I had therapeutic mammoplasty plus lymph node clearance  about the same time as you

    I had lymphodema in this arm,and wear a sleeve 24hours

    I've noticed my arm is a lot weaker than the other arm,and my grip isn't as good,in spite of still doing my post op exercises

    I'm on letrozole too,which isn't helping my muscles and bones

    Hope this help

    Take care

  • Thanks for your reply. I was also on letrozole until it affected my mobility so much I had difficulty with even short walks. The breastcare nurse got my an appointment with the oncologist who suggested I stop the letrozole which gave a rapid improvement in the problems with my legs. I am now taking tamoxifen instead