Chemo and christmas festivities

  • 7 replies
  • 282 subscribers

I think i know the answer to this probably comes down to how I feel personally but I'm due to start chemo next week (4 weeks of EC followed by 4 of paclitaxel) and with 2 young kids at home i would usually be going to lots of Xmas fairs/visits to Santa etc! This year is obviously going to be very different- one because I'm aware I might not feel well enough and two because I am wary of picking up bugs etc! I'm all good with that because this is just one year and it's obviously far more important I get well. But I was interested to hear from people going through chemo or who have went through it how much they adjusted the things they would normally do! I think I'm envisioning becoming a bit of a hemit but maybe I'm worrying too much and avoiding germs is pretty much impossible with kids anyway! 

  • Hi Laura Pts i found that i didnt go out as much and was very careful wore a mask when i was out even going to the hospital. Some times i cancelled things as i didnt feel like going out. Do as you feel is right for you, but when you do meet up with people its nice to chat to someone different.

  • Hi LauraPts,

    I have 3 children at home and about to have my final chemo, i've been on a 3 week cycle so different to you but I have battled with sick bugs, covid etc on top of all the other delights that come with chemo...because i have tried to do too much with the children. You do really need to look after yourself and like you say it's 1 year, there will be plenty more years to visit Santa!!! If you are feeling well I would certainly do outdoor Xmas fairs and get out...but try and avoid snotty children other than your own!

    I hope chemo goes as well as can be expected and it will be over before you know it!!!


  • Hi x I am in similar position to you. 2 kids and just had my first cycle of EC (I am having EC every 2 weeks, 4 sessions and then Pax every 2 weeks for 4 sessions). So far I haven’t felt too bad but I realise it is early day. A bit tired, a bit nauseous but well managed with anti sickness tablets. I have also wondered about Christmas. The nurse that administered my EC said normal life must continue but just take sensible precautions and the booklet she gave me says you don’t need to avoid large crowds, although I think I will. Outside Christmas stuff should be fine if you feel up to it. Wishing you all the best and hope it all goes well x

  • Thank you  ! I think I'll probably feel very similarly, and it's for a short time!

  • Thanks  ! Oh dear, covid and chemo is not something I want to deal with so like you say best being careful! Best of luck for the rest of your chemo too! 

  • Thanks  ! Glad to hear you haven't suffered too badly so far. A cosy Xmas at home with perhaps a couple of outdoor Xmas things sounds not too bad! :) Best of luck with the rest of your treatment! X

  • Laura pts

     It will be finished before you realise I keep a blog of every day. I got compylabacter during chemo after the 3rd one really dont know how i got it, its dairy or salad  not washed properly. I never ate anything like that out. I was quite ill with that. My magnesium went very low. But seemed to of bounced back. Next stage now for me Dental work. As havnt seen dentist since March. Good luck with it all i hope you have good support. I wish you well.
