Two cancers

  • 4 replies
  • 278 subscribers

So I had 6 rounds of chemo for breast cancer. Lump had shrunk but they still went ahead with a full mastectomy. 6 weeks later I get told the chemo had got rid of the cancer and the biopsy after surgery showed the lump that was left was actually a second lump/cancer. 
so how did the second cancer get missed? Have I now had the wrong treatment or missed out on treatment as they missed it?

  • Sorry didn’t want to read and run. So sorry this has happened to you - can you speak with your BC nurse and find out? I think you have every right to feel confused and angry. 

  • Yes I’m going to try and ring tomorrow. Yes I am happy I am all clear atm but should this not have been seen on all the tests you have. It was a bit of a shock when I first got told and he went straight on to what we do next so it wasn’t until talking to family that we started to question why it got missed. Or do I just say well it’s all gone now and I guess I only had 1 cancer to stress about instead of 2

  • HazO2

    I was in a vaguely similar situation, have a read of my profile. I was initially told my tumours were HER+, hormone clear but a year and half on a proper look at the notes revealed I also had a third tumour which was hormone positive

    To this day I am unclear how this happened and no one has ever said sorry. Even my notes that I requested don't refer to exactly when it was diagnosed and there is no mention of it being over looked on the treatment plan

     I think they are too scared of being sued, but that is not the intention. Going forward I found a note on my GP records saying there was also melanoma No there wasn't, I checked with the consultant . A couple days ago I had a letter from my oncology consultant stating among my comorbiddity conditions was hypercholesterolemia

     I have no idea where this came from and if I have this condition why haven't I been told before. 

    I expect there are loads more people with similar stories.

    Only advice I have is make sure at your next appointment you have someone with you and you take a list of questions to ask. Write down the answers as you go and when you finish slow them and ask them to check you have fully got the picture. You can also say you will send them a copy for the file. Easier said than done but it does if nothing else sharpen their focus..

    I still feel frustrated about what happened to me but along with the mistakes has been some very good  treatment x

  • I will have a read of yours. 
    I will do what you suggested and wright down my questions. That last one was just a shock so I wasn’t prepared. Thank you so much.