Bone Scan Delay

  • 4 replies
  • 275 subscribers

My surgeon wants me to have a bone scan to check whether my breast cancer has spread.  However apparently there is a shortage of the radioactive isotopes that are used during this scan.

Has anyone else had this problem,  how long did you/have you waited and has it affected your treatment plan.

I found a lump early October and apart from tests have had no treatment. 

Thank you x

  • EDITED !

    Not for this but when I had my sentinel node biopsy , they just used blue dye , which is the alternative to the isotopes This was 6 months ago and I was told the shortage was a regional thing . It was Cheshire where I had my treatment 

  • Hello klf, I had the blue die inserted but that was the day I had the operation and I'm in Devon x

  • Also, I was diagnosed with BC in January and had a mastectomy in March, so all my treatment was quick compared to you. Hope you hear something soon x

  • I just had my bone scan and thought it was scheduled really quickly. The breast nurse said it was due to a shortage of the radioactive dye for the scan. The next time it would be available was March/April next year!!! I am in Scotland so hopefully different in you're down south? Really hope they are able to provide an alternative in the meantime so patients don't have to wait :( :( 
