Starting treatment fears

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  • 272 subscribers

I’m starting EC tomorrow.  I’m having 4 sessions every 3 weeks.  I am very nervous as I’ve heard some horror stories from random people.  Can someone please put my mind at rest and let me know some positive news like  how long will I be at the hospital etc.  thanks 

  • Hi Typist, I started my chemotherapy in March,  3 cycles of EC and 4 cycles of docetaxel. I too was really nervous about starting chemo, but actually had minimal side effects, apart from the hair loss. I found that the time at the hospital depended on how busy they were on the day. The chemo itself doesn't take too long to go in. Extra time is to set you up, also time afterwards to sort out any meds you might need. I decided to keep as positive as possible. I cut out alcohol and made sure I was eating healthily. I also started daily 2 1/2 mile walks with hubby, prior to starting chemo, which we continued throughout. Good luck for tomorrow, I hope all goes well. Xx

  • Hello typist, 

    Hope you are okay. 

    EC infusions are quick I have found. Much quicker than pac and carbo that I was on prior. I was nervous as well starting a new one but it hasn’t been too bad.

    If it is like mine, the nurse sits with you while they give you the E part. It is in syringes and red in colour - it looks scary but don’t be afraid. Depending on the size of syringe and then the dose depends how many syringes there are. First time I had 3, the second time I had 2. So usually takes about 15-20 mins. 
    Now the C part is done via the automated machine thing (I don’t know what they’re called sorry) and that takes about the same time 15-20 mins. 

    You will get pre meds as well. Like daisy has advised, it will depend how busy the chemo nurses are and whether you are going to cold cap. 

    This is how mine is administered and I know someone else who’s is administered the same in a different area. 

    Me and others have found that EC knocks our systems really low. I have personally picked up an infection both times but don’t let this scare you - I was unwell for about a week but the other two weeks I have been okay. 

    You get given a number to call if you do become unwell or have any side effects. There are lots of different medications to help with these. 

    I have also had hair loss, insomnia and constipation. 

    Everyone is different though. Take it one day at a time. 

    I hope this has helped, good luck xx

  • Hi Daisy.  Thank you so much that has put my mind at rest x

  • Thank you Missy, that has help me. 

  • Good luck for tomorrow. Send an update on how you got on and felt etc… if you feel like it of course Grinning 

    Stay positive xx

  • Hi Missy219,

    I had my first treatment on Friday and have the same problems as you had but also have tingling in my feet and they feel hot and achy did you have this at all? Phoned the helpline this morning but she just said one of the side effects and keep an eye on it doesn't help with the insomnia as welPensive xx

  • Hi Missy. Have you been able to get anything for the insomnia?  Does it get better as treatment goes on?