Am I overthinking?

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Hi, I was diagnosed on 18th September and I have an appointment with the consultant on 29th October. I have had to have additional biopsies and a vacuum assisted excision and am waiting for an MRI scan.  The letter I have from the hospital stating I have breast cancer is quite technical and when I asked the doctor to explain the diagnosis to me she just read out what was on the letter, so I thought I would wait until I see the consultant who can explain everything. But because I don’t know what half the words mean I am now in a panic that it is untreatable, will spread, is aggressive.  They told me it is primary and treatable but that doesn’t stop me from getting worried. It has words like invasive carcinoma, basaloid features.  Foolishly I googled these and regret it.  I am hoping that this is general medical terminology and I am overthinking.  

  • Hi 

    I am so sorry about your diagnosis.

    It is so hard not to overthink or google- I know I did!

    Do you have the contact details for your breast care nurse? I think it would be good for you to chat through your worries/questions with them. 
    For me, once the consultant had left the room, I then spoke openly with the nurse who answered my questions and talked through my concerns. 

    Hopefully, you will feel more armed with useful information rather than overwhelmed.

    Take care x 

  • Hi, I'd speak to your cancer nurse specialist who will go through everything. If still confused then breast cancer now is a good place for info, and Dr Liz O'Ridan has a book and podcast and you tube where she breaks down the more technical terms if you're interested. What matters is that you know what your diagnosis is, where to get help and further info. Hopefully you will get a treatment plan really soon. You're never alone. I was diagnosed in March. Feel for you. This is a stressful time. You will get there though. 

  • Hello - you are not alone in feeling like this with the formal diagnosis letter. I felt exactly the same. I came out of my diagnosis and treatment appointment with the headlines “treatable and curable” “chemo then surgery” “6 months minimum before back to work”  and when I received the diagnosis letter freaked out because it’s incredibly technical. 

    i decided from then on not read the actual letters (DH reads them) and just take from the appointments the actual issues I need to tackle and know. 

    it’s ok to just have enough information to understand but you don’t need to be an expert on everything. 

    At my next appointment I did go through it all with the consultant (HER2+, chemo drugs, side effects,  likely surgery)  but it was massively overwhelming. 

    I have written down “treatable and curable” whenever  I can because I have a constant fear that somewhere along the road I got that bit wrong. I didn’t - but when you are in the middle of awful chemo side effects it’s hard not to think it’s killing you when it’s so painful . 

    it’s your journey this one, nobody can make you do it their way. You take it however best you can. 

  • I was diagnosed in June and am now half way through my chemotherapy.Breast care nurses are best ones to talk to - consultants vary hugely and aren't always the best communicators. Hopefully you will have the same experience I had which was a nurse sitting in on that 1st consultation, she then will spend time with me away from the consultant and explained it all.

    It took me months before I understood the chemotherapy plan and I have health professional background !!

    Try not to google - and yes the terminology is not helpful.

  • Thank you.  I think my overthinking is just part of the process of coming to terms with it and trying to understanding it all.  No more google for me, I have had such conflicting results so it’s just not worth it x

  • Thank you, I have seen some of Dr Liz O’Ridan’s post and found them really helpful. I hope your treatment is all going well x