Stopping Chemotherapy, haven’t got it in me

  • 4 replies
  • 269 subscribers


So I’ve posted a couple of times just recently. I have sciatica and am currently having chemotherapy, I had Docetaxl last Wednesday, , side effects are extremely fatigued, dizzy ,hip pain etc.  I’m pretty much confined to my bed anyway as I find it impossible to sit in a chair as it inflames the sciatica even more. I tried a very small walk earlier which actually didn’t help.  I have 2 chemotherapy sessions left and I can not do it. I feel like I need to sort my back issues out and the thought of laying on my bed for another 6 weeks is crushing me, physically and mentally. Mental health is on the floor , I just can’t do it, I can’t take another dose of chemotherapy in this state.  Has anyone stopped chemotherapy early or had that discussion with their team? Can they postpone for a while. I feel at my wits end x

  • Hi feel for you. Talk to chemo nurses. Ask if a reduction in chemo dose would be possible. I think I had 80% and although tired coped ok

    Big hug x

  • Hi 

    Thanks, it’s not the chemotherapy as such, well it is! The chemotherapy is stopping from getting any treatment for my back due to the risk of infection. I’m trying to rest because of the chemotherapy but that’s no good for sciatica , I’m just going round in circles . I will chat to the nurses tomorrow. A dose reduction would at least help with the fatigue . Just can’t see a way through this.Thanks for your response xx

  • Just a thought but if you have a Maggie or Macmillan centre ask if they have any therapy sessions that might help. I had acupuncture. I was given 6 sessions. I would say osteopath but they might not want to treat you when you have chemo. I had regular sessions pre cancer but he stopped them while I was being treated. But maybe someone who was especially trained to treat chemo patients. I had a lovely specialist massage during treatment. 

    Do feel for you - very misery making when you have bad pain. Xxx

  • Hi

    i will definitely look into that tomorrow. I’ve heard acupuncture can be of some benefit. I’ve started seeing a physiotherapist once a week who specialises in sciatica.’who gives sciatic nerve massage,’and exercises to follow at home,haven’t checked this is ok,‘but at this point I’m passed caring. I’m also still asking the question about stopping early by having 5 infusions instead of 6. I still have a double mastectomy to go and would not be able to have this until this is sorted as I can’t lay on my back . Thanks for your support and advice ,‘I feel very alone and it’s very welcome right now. I will look into the maggies centres aswell ,! Thank you so so much x