
  • 1 reply
  • 280 subscribers
  1. Hello. I haven’t been diagnosed with anything yet, other than a breast lump. I have my breast clinic appointment on 24 September. I haven’t been feeling ‘right’ for weeks though and have pain in the area, back and joint pain, weakness/numbness in the arm the same side, dizziness at times and terrible fatigue. So I’m preparing myself as something is going on - and I feel I know my body quite well. Do I need to wait til 24th or would you ask to be seen sooner? I’m not sure. Thank you all x
  • Hi Rich24

    Welcome to the forum and sorry to hear that you have a lump.  You could ring the breast clinic and ask for the first available appointment due to a cancellation.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your appointment.

    Best wishes


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