Docetaxel and pain

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Not that EC was pure joy, but I just started docetaxel on Thursday and my goodness the bone and muscle pain is awful! I can’t move without some terrible grunting, stopped bothering with paracetamol and ibuprofen as no help at all the last 2 days. Just sitting or laying hurts! No temperature or infection that I can tell, but blimey, they said docetaxel generally better tolerated than EC where I had terrible nausea, however I think the EC was cloud 9 compared to how I feel on the docetaxel! to add to it, I have to start filgrastim tonight, which gave me terrible bone pain before on EC, now I’m worried this will be doubled! Anyone else had this? What did you take to help if anything?

  • Hi 

    I had so much pain with my first Docetaxal I had to call an ambulance I took codine but it didn't do much. It was so acute I was physically throwing up from the pain .I had so many side effects I took photos and sent them to my oncology nurse . My GP got in touch with oncologist and they stopped it and I went back to EC for last two treatments. They can reduce the dose but due to other issues they stopped mine. It's worth having a conversation before your next dose. I feel for you but there are things which they can do. Lots of love xx

  • Thanks for getting in touch. Ohh that sounds awful! I’m not sick from it, I do have high strength codine, but I just know from what I feel that it won’t help, so Ive not added to what my body needs metabolise already. Did they say any risks going back to just EC? Eg less effective for curative purposes? What other side effects did you have? My palms are so itchy, I have such dry skin in comparison to EC, I don’t know, it’s just completely different if that makes sense? I feel sooooo rubbish, but want to push for best results, as I’m only 39, so I have a long time to hopfully live cancer free of reoccurrence 

  • Hi, I had 4 infusions of Docetaxal. The pain was very bad. The first one was the worst - I felt I was being stabbed in neck, armpits, virtually everywhere. After the first infusion, the pain would be in my ankles and legs for 48 hours. I took paracetamol and ibuprofen and that took the edge off. For the last two infusions, I planned my pain days ahead, and got through it. For me, it was the Docetaxal that did the job. The EC had a slight effect, but ‘not what I would like to see’ the oncologist said, so after 2 EC, I was moved to Docetaxal. I’m glad I stuck it out, but understand why you have posted on here. Xx

  • Hi

    I had 4 cycles of Docetaxel and then 4 of EC. I found the Docetaxel side effects hard and asked my oncologist to do something - all the skin around my eyes was inflamed as well as everything else- she agreed to reduce my dose and did so to 80%. Might be worth a try (Oncologist decided on the reduced dose not me)

    Hope this helps x

  • I had this on 2019 it had a long term effect of neuropathy and nail damage but otherwise not so bad. I did however have a reduced dose from the start so this probably helped. I was her2+ and estrogen+. After chemo I still had reduced tumours remaining whether a non reduced chemo meds would have completely got rid of them I don't know. Hope things improve for all those suffering xxx

  • Hi, I had my first zometa infusion the same day as my first docataxel infusion and I had terrible bone pain, muscle ache and a temperature which lasted 10 days. Then on top of that I had the injections to help my immunity, these amplified my discomfort. I was a mess. I was checked out at the hospital but they said it was my body reacting to the drugs. The second and third docataxel weren’t as bad, still had bone and muscle ache but the raised temperature only lasted 3 days. I found a warm bath helped with the bone pain. Sending a virtual hug. 

  • I found it tough. I’d breeze through the first few days after whilst the steroids kept the side effects at bay. When they wore off it was like a had the worst flu symptoms you could imagine. Felt so rough and just lay on the sofa on my worst days feeling sorry for my self. Dry skin was bad and I kept getting oral thrush so taste was horrendous as well (often for 2 out of the 3 week cycles which was depressing). 

    I have numb thumbs and will do for a while I believe due to D. My toes nails are still not fully regrown either (finished D in January). 

    Hope you get through it! 

  • Thanks all, I spoke to my nurse today, sounds like the bone and joint pain can hit some people hard, along with all the others I’ve got upset tum, stomach ache, sore mouth, extreme fatigue. I’m on day 5 if you count day of chemo. Also have the immunity injections to contend with which started last night for 7 days, so i fear from all said here and the nurse, that the next week is just going to be hell. Chemo nurse has put me down for a call before next round to see if it docetaxel needs reducing next time, I think they said I’m on quite a high dose 160mg so we shall see. Ahh, the joys of cancer, just keep giving and giving…

  • Sorry, I just realised that sounds so miserable. Please don’t get me wrong, I know a lot more are worse off than me, and I should be grateful that oncology believe they can cure this. Just having a miserable few days. I’ll try to get a good night sleep and drag my sorry head out the sand in the morning :-)

  • You will get through this.  In the meantime a big big hug. Spoil yourself and take all the help and love that's there.Two heartsBalloon GoodnightSleeping accommodationxx