Radiotherapy - what to expect

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I have an appointment to meet a Radiologist in a couple of weeks. Could anyone tell me what happens at the first meeting?  

Thanks x

  • Unfortunately for me the new scanner needing no tattoo marks wont be ready at my NHS hospital until 2025 so a case of bad timing for me. The nearest private hospital that has a SGRT scanner needing no marks is a distance away and I would have to be driven to it.

    My husband is willing to take me but his work are being totally off about it all and as we can't afford to lose his job or cause any problems with his job (my pay has been stopped now as I have not worked at the place long enough to get longer sick pay) we need to protect his job at all costs, so I will have to get the tattoos if I want the radiotherapy.

    Was told by a nurse today at my Phesgo injection that it was my body and that I did not have to have the radiotherapy but do not see I have a choice.

    Thanks for responding x

  • I'm glad to hear it doesn't hurt which is stupid of me really after all the treatment but I think it is the lack of ownership over it all that is the problem. Great if you could send a pic but understand if you don't want to. Thanks x 

  • Thanks Coddfish. Did you get a say in where they put them on your body or is it pot luck and dependent on how steady the hand is of the person doing the marking?


  • I had expressed how major my concern was about it, so I think they were very careful. Generally they do 3 - one close to the middle and one either side.  They had issues with positioning my arm on the non affected side (I have a previous injury) which meant they decided to keep that arm by my side and make do with 2. The problem was stopping me from shaking whilst it was happening! 

  • Will send pic when I am back home later this evening x

  • Here you go - I'm just wearing a camisole top pulled down slightly so you can see, most of the time you cannot see anything.  My second one is at my right side, just like Coddfish I was not able to raise my left arm (frozen shoulder) so they managed with just 2 tattoos on my right. I hope it all goes well for you and would just say, I took care of my skin after radiotherapy with a moisturiser, I had no pain at all from it, was just tired but able to drive, work and go out to lunch after each of my sessions.   Take care Lx        


  • Thanks for posting the pic... It looks the same as mine.

       please don't miss the chance of having this preventative procedure, as having a very small tattoo for the rest of your life is far better than potentially having to have further treatment later on.

    Im half way through my 15 sessions and know how important that little dot has been for my treatment x

  • Could not agree more - I hate tattoos with a passion but the end game is far more important and we are so lucky to have had the chance to have the treatment.  Lx

  • Thanks Tyke for the pic.  One thing I have come to learn on this awful journey is that what worries one person does not worry another.  Every time I brush my hair (when it can be bothered to grow,) it will be in my eyeline. Thanks again.

  • Hi Blueskythinking

    Like you I was worried about the tattoos as felt it would be a permanent reminder and I hated the idea of yet another thing I had no choice about. Turns out they are super tiny. I have one on each of my sides and one between my boobs which is quite low down and not visible in clothes at all. I looked into laser removal and there are lots of places which do this for free but decided I won’t bother as to be honest I’d forgotten all about them until I read this thread!