Radiotherapy - what to expect

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  • 270 subscribers


I have an appointment to meet a Radiologist in a couple of weeks. Could anyone tell me what happens at the first meeting?  

Thanks x

  • Can’t help but really good question! I’m having radiotherapy but it will be end of September I think. I’ve been sent details of a phone appointment on 18th September but that’s all for now. 

  • Hi. I've had the radiotherapy with the tattoos and was worried like you. However they are so tiny and barely visible, just like a dot from a pen. You have one on each side of your breasts (below armpit area)  and then one in the centre just above the pelvic bone and one a little higher up. They really are barely visible even on light skin. 

  • Hi  and all the others wanting to know what to expect from radiotherapy Slight smile

    I had radiotherapy about 7 years ago, so it's changed a bit since then. (I had 15 sessions over 3 weeks, but I gather sometimes they do higher powered sessions over a few days now).

    A lot of other questions have been answered on this thread too.  Just to say with regards the breathe technique - this tends to only be for left breast radiotherapy as a method to protect the heart.  I wasn't able to do it, due to road accident damaging my right arm and it didn't make any difference whatsoever.  They just did as they put it: 'more calculations' and I had a couple of times where they spent ages positioning me to ensure they got the machine in the right position, but I've had no issues since radiotherapy.

    One thing they will tell you to do, is to drink lots.  I can't emphasise this more, as I am 100% convinced it prevents fatigue.  I went at the same time as 3 other ladies.  2 of us drank plenty - the other 2 barely anything.  The 2 non-drinkers suffered so badly with fatigue, where the 2 of us drinking lots of fluids were perfectly fine.

    Hope this helps a little to all thos reading the thread.

    Best Wishes, 

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hello

    The tattoos are just a pinprick and hardly noticeable unless you point them out.

  • Hello,  I had a little different situation as I needed whole breast radiation to both breasts so I did not want all the little dots.  I think I would have needed 7or 8.  The radiologist had no problem with the temporary markers for me.  It was a little bit of a pain to make sure they stayed on as live in Florida and hot and humid here and went for walks and got sweaty etc but all worked out.  I think if it had only been one breast I have done the tattoos.  Here in the US the new machines don’t need you to have tattoos or markings.  Yeah.  Sometimes I think I had no control of things so felt good about making a decision on my own.  Sounds strange but cancer dictates so much.  Hugs.  Just had my yearly mammogram today and got the all clear.  So thankful.  I am 75 and still have dense breasts even on Anastrazole so always wonder.  It is a 3-D breast tomosynthesis so much better than the old 2D mammograms.  
    Hugs to everyone and going through things are tough no matter what the path but I am hopeful for us all.  Thank God for all the wonderful scientists and Physicians that are working on eliminating breast cancer.


  • Hi Blueskythinking, I had only two tattoos in the end, doesn't hurt and am happy to send you a photo of the only one that can possible be seen, depending on the top I wear.  After a week of intense zapping, the only issue I had was trying to keep out of the sun whilst I was on holiday but a good factor 50 sorted that out plus covering up.  (I spent a lot of time  on a beach, in a taverna, in the shade too - that was a bit of a hardship - ha ha)

  • Hi   

    I was also anxious about the tattoos as I am a bit phobic about heavily tattooed bodies. Being manhandled by nurses with tattoos through my cancer journey has eased this a bit, but I still thought it would give me a huge problem. Some hospitals have newer machines that don’t need them but it’s a factor for most of us. I was told they could make temporary marks and cover them with plasters. In the end that didn’t seem practical given one would be in my cleavage, and I had 3 weeks between planning and treatment. I have 2 small dots, one in my cleavage and one on my side. The one on my side is too small to see without a big hunt. The one in my cleavage is low down and was put just side of centre so it’s never visible in clothes because my breasts cover it even if my clothes don’t. It’s ok, I rarely think of it. 

  • Thanks WhatsNext. Hope your appointment goes ok. x

  • Thanks Zabe. I hope mine are as small as yours.


  • Thanks lesleyhelen. I've had treatment to my left breast so have been practising the breath holds but damaged my shoulder (and back) in an old accident so hope all my bits work as they should.

    I'll remember about the drinking - thanks for the tip x