Anyone taking tamoxifen with HRT?

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  • 286 subscribers

I’ve been diagnosed with a hormone positive invasive lobular cancer and was told to stop HRT, which I did. However I now feel absolutely awful with menopause symptoms (the reason I started HRT in the first place). I came across an interview with Kirsty Lang who was diagnosed with breast cancer in her early 50s. She decided to go back onto HRT and was advised that this was okay as long as she was taking tamoxifen at the same time, as it blocks the effects of estrogen on breast tissue. I wanted to ask if there’s anyone here who’s done the same? If so, how has it been for you? Does HRT alleviate the side effects of tamoxifen? Or does tamoxifen stop the HRT working? I’d be very interested to hear any relevant experiences.

  • I read this with great interest. Is it also possible to take HRT whilst using an aromatase inhibitor? I am on exemestane (and have also tried letrozole) I mid 70s and now get flushes!! Not to mention weight gain and worse arthritis and stiffness. Not holding my breath but you never know. Thanks and good luck Angel C

  • Hello,  I am not an expert but have done research that it is ok to take vaginal estrogen but have never seen any research on using any other type of replacement like pellets, patches etc. 

    I don’t know who Kristi Lang is as live in Florida.  I will have to check it out in YouTube.  I am taking Anastrazole and Medical oncologist says no to vaginal estrogen as studies show a chance of increased recurrence with AI but not tamoxifen.  
    I took HRT for years and did feel well on it but am 75 now and have hot flashes again among many other symptoms of menopause.  Oh boy 3 more years on AI.

    It is difficult for sure.  Take sure and menopause and cancer with Dani binnington on YouTube is great.  Do many wonderful podcasts.


  • Hi Rozalia, I’m no expert but I suspect it’s only possible with tamoxifen. Tamoxifen is a selective estrogen receptor modulator, which means that it blocks the effects of estrogen in some tissues but has an estrogen-like effect on others. Aromatase inhibitors work differently, stopping the conversion of other hormones into estrogen in fat tissue. This why they are only prescribed for post-menopausal women. It may be possible to swap to tamoxifen and take HRT with it. Tamoxifen can be taken by post-menopausal women I believe.

  • I know the answer to this one and it is no. Serious interactions can occur.  We are stuck flashing and many other menopause symptoms.


  • Hi Barbara, many thanks for your reply. I’m curious as to how you found this out. Did you have personal experience of it? Or did a medical professional tell you? Or are you aware of any research you can point me towards? I’m just trying to find out as much as I can at this stage. 

  • Here is an excellent article about VET while taking tamoxifen.  VET stands for vaginal estrogen therapy.

    I have more articles  too and the podcast menopause and cancer on YouTube has one that talks about this topic.,risk%2520for%2520breast%2520cancer%2520recurrence.&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjUiquQhPWHAxUlg4QIHVlbFtgQudELegQICBAC&usg=AOvVaw2OKYrXFNmTFY-EdHumF_zi


  • Hopeful Barb

    I suspected so. Thank you

  • Thank you, I wasn't very hopeful 

     I wish they would come up with some better drugs xxx

  • Yes these AI’s really make you feel depleted and no wonder we don’t feel great.  Not enough estrogen is so hard to deal with.  


  • Hi I have been on Tamoxifen for 4 years, last year was the hot flushes, this year every joint aches.  I have just been prescribed Vagirux which is a vaginal pessary and only releases oestrogen locally so is safe to take.  I was hoping it might make one part of my body feel normal but I'm on day 3 and not having good side effects at the moment.  I'm hoping these will settle though.  I have been told other HRT's are not safe with Tamoxifen.  I was prescribed Prozac last year to stop the hot flushes but this is also listed as stopping tamoxifen working so I didn't take it.