Anastrazole side affects

  • 5 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Has anyone else suddenly developed heartburn/indigestion since being on Anastrazole.  
I have had other various side affects since starting taking it in April such as menopausal symptoms etc but the heartburn has suddenly developed over the last two weeks.  It is keeping me awake at night and  I’m already waking with sweats 2/3 times per night.

i don’t know if it is related to the meds or if it is something new. Thanks x

  • Hello Jools52, 

    no I don’t have that problem.  


  • I don't take this. I am on exemestane. I have also had letrozole. I have lots of nasty side effects including hot flushes in my 70s!!! But not heartburn. I think you should see your GP for a proper checkup. Don't assume it is a side effect. Also you could ask your oncologist. Most oncologists can be reached through a letter sent via their secretary. How do you know it is heart burn? Does it respond to heartburn medication? Should it turn out to be a side effect ask for either letrozole or exemestane to see if it recedes with these. Hope you get this sorted out and feel better very soon. xxx

  • I'm on exemestane and have had digestive issues that seem to have got worse the longer I've been on it. Digestive issues are one of the known side effects. Decreased oestrogen can also alter your gut microbiome.

    I recently had myself fully checked out by my GP to make sure no underlying issues, and then I also did a private sensitivity test which came back as very sensitive to dairy and gluten. I cut them out and have felt so much better - no more heartburn and my digestive issues are easing. Early days but I'm hopeful that this is also going to increase my energy levels.

    Think the AIs can make your digestion more sensitive.

  • It's not uncommon to experience new or worsening side effects when on medications like Anastrozole. Heartburn and indigestion could indeed be related to the medication, as hormonal changes can impact digestion. However, it’s important to discuss these symptoms with your healthcare provider. They can help determine if Anastrozole is the cause and whether you might need a different treatment approach or additional measures to manage the side effects.

    In the meantime, consider making some lifestyle adjustments that might help alleviate heartburn, such as eating smaller meals more frequently, avoiding spicy or acidic foods, and not lying down immediately after eating.

    Lastly, always ensure you're using high-quality medications from reliable sources. Using trusted pharmacies helps guarantee that you receive effective and safe medications.

  • Why would someone not take high quality meds, we have free prescriptions for cancer medications in the UK