any positive stories regarding triple negative diagnosis please

  • 21 replies
  • 271 subscribers

diagnosed second time with BC after 24 years.  this time it is not hormone receptive - it is triple negative.

please can I have some positive stories of beating this 

  • Hi Southend

    I was diagnosed last April, mastectomy in June and radiotherapy August.

    ive just had my first annual check and all good. Mamo on opposite side was clear. No nodes involved thankfully and because of size , no need for chemo. The predict tool shows an almost normal life expectancy so as far as I’m concerned it’s gone. Caught early, TNBC is very treatable so don’t despair. Xx

  • Thank you.   How large was your tumour and grade?   When you say nearly normal life expectancy what does that mean.   ?  Am trying not to think  the worst.  Surgery booked 2 august.   Was diagnosed 24 years ago with bc but this was hormone receptive.   I’m devastated.   Daughter gets married in 12 weeks 

  • Initial diagnosis following ultra sound and mammogram showed what they thought as a large 5cm tumour. Following biopsy I was advised it was DCIS ( which was a relief after 2 weeks of pure despair). Because of the size I needed a mastectomy. Biopsy following mastectomy  and SLNB showed some micro invasions, largest being 3.5mm and clear nodes. It was classed as Grade 2 stage pT1a. I’m 67 now so using the predictor tool I think I had a 97% chance of being here in 10 years time v a 98%!chance if I hadn’t had cancer. I’ll take that. You’ve got a lot to look forward to , wedding, maybe grandchildren, - don’t let the cancer take control. You’ll do this. Sending hugs.

  • My tumour is 7mm. Grade 2/3. The consultant gave me a 77 per cent chance ?   I’m 63.  I wonder why it is different to yours.  

    having a mastectomy and node biopsy on Friday the 2nd.   Very frightened 

  • Have you tried the Predict tool yourself? There was a post on here with a link to the new version not that long ago. It asks a few question like smoker status, other treatment etc. That’s what I used. Xx

  • Here’s the link to the new version.

  • I’ve finished chemo for TNBC. I’ve got an operation in a couple of weeks then eventually radiotherapy. My tumour was 33mm when diagnosed. Since being diagnosed I’ve heard of two other ladies who have had it that I know. One is my bosses partner. She had TNBC 8 years ago and the other is someone I found out who had it just through chatting and she had it 10 years ago. Neither have had a reoccurrence. 

  • Hi Southend, 

    im so sorry to hear of your diagnosis, it is such a shock to get the news, these forums have been amazing and have really helped. 

    i was diagnosed with TNBC in Feb last year, my tumour was 32mm and my nodes also tested positive. 
    I had my chemo first, 2 different types Carboplatin & paclitaxel every week for 8 weeks, then EC also known as Red Devil due to its red colour that was every 3 weeks, I was also given immunotherapy. 

    I had surgery in Nov and was told there was no evidence of any disease remaining, they removed the area where the tumour had been and also 5 nodes.

    i then had radiotherapy in Feb this year, and then a further 5 doses of immunotherapy once every 6 weeks. I’ve just finished my treatment a couple of weeks ago. 

    the best advice I can offer, is not to google triple negative, a lot of the information is out of date and just scares you. 
    your oncologist will give you your plan, as I believe they sometimes do surgery first depending on the size of the tumour, so everyone’s treatment can be a bit different. But try to stay positive and you will get through this.

    sending lots of hugs and positive thoughts xx 

  • Thank you.  My tumour is 7mm and I am due a mastectomy and lymph node biopsy  next Friday.   Ultrasound was clear of armpit but so scared they find something. I was diagnosed 24 years ago had a lumpectomy, chemo, drug treatment, radiotherapy that tumour was hormone receptive.   It s such a huge shock to be diagnosed twice.  I can’t have radiotherapy again but may have to have chemo.  The consultant said there would only be yearly mammogram and no drug treatment but I can see like yourself some people have immunology treatment.   I have googled in the past and it freaks me Out so I’m staying off of it.    I’m just clinging onto the positive stories x