any positive stories regarding triple negative diagnosis please

  • 21 replies
  • 291 subscribers

diagnosed second time with BC after 24 years.  this time it is not hormone receptive - it is triple negative.

please can I have some positive stories of beating this 

  • I haven’t got expertise in this but just sending you all the very best and know there are plenty of positive stories out there. A dear friend of mine had triple negative and is 8 years clear …… all the best to you 

  • thank you.   Is she on any drug treatment now as preventative?

  • I feel like I’ve been given a death sentence 

  • Hi Southend sorry to hear your news . I believe Carol Griffin had triple negative BC stage 3 very aggressive/ that was over 10 years ago . There are so many new treatments now and it sounds like yours has been discovered early . I wish you well 

  • No. Had lumpectomy and chemo and radio and it was in several nodes. It wasn’t easy I’m not going to lie but she’s great and living her best life now! 

  • When were you diagnosed and what do you know so far may I ask?? A lot has improved in 24 years remember xx

  • Hi. I have a friend who was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer and told she had 5 years.....that was 11 years ago.

    She runs a breast cancer support group and mentioned someone else in the group had a similar experience.

    Two hearts

  • Hi  , my cancer was a different type but a dear friend had triple negative, had all the treatments (nothing ongoing) and has  ‘no evidence of cancer’ 10 years down the line. Another friend at my exercise class had triple negative, has finished treatment and is doing well, again ‘no evidence of disease’ and doing well. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by it all, definitely don’t Google as so much there is out of date or just wrong. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • I was diagnosed last August with triple negative I felt & still at times like been kicked , I’ve had 6 rounds of chemo including Red Devil which had to be reduced in volume as I had strong reaction 9 radiotherapy sessions four top up as advised very best option for me . The postive responses & reading the longevity of ladies diagnosed recently or indeed several years ago is really helping me come to terms with my diagnosis . Thank you to all ladies that posted xx 

  • Also sorry meant to add had lumpectomy & three nodes removed all thru one incision by my truly wonderful lady surgeon , no spread results said .