Starting chemo soon

  • 15 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Hi all, hope you’re doing well today. 
can you please give me some advice on things to take with me for my chemo sessions, been told they’ll be 4hours so was thinking of books but anything else that would be useful? 

  • Thank you, she’s lucky that you’re allowed in with her, I’m sure it gives her comfort x hope all goes well for her x 

  • Honestly I turn up for chemo like I am going to be there for two weeks! I take my phone so I can keep my mum and boyfriend informed via text of the progress of my treatment (nobody is allowed to sit with you). I take my iPad and earphones to watch things. My kindle to read. I take sweets too, I’m currently having EC so get a funny taste in my mouth so suck on a queasy drop, lemon sherbet etc. I take a hoodie just in case I feel cold but to be honest most of the time I’m too warm. I usually take some fruit to snack on as well. I’m not cold capping so usually have one of my hats on and if it gets too hot I’ll take that off. I’ve got a makeup bag with headphones, lip balm, small tub aveeno, glasses, tissues which I just leave in my bag all the time. 

  • Hi thanks, I think I’ll be pretty similar! Xx hope all is going well x 

  • I take a little cool box with ice cubes, frozen grapes and pineapple pieces in. I was given the tip from Little Lifts that by sucking ice/frozen fruit during infusion it helps protect your mouth from mouth ulcers/sores etc….same principle as cold capping. (Dilates blood vessels restricting/reducing access if drug to mouth) 

    so far it’s worked a treat- except last session my friend was in the chair next to me and we chatted all the time so I forgot my ice- it’s the first time my mouth was sore and taste effected - lesson learned! 

  • Thanks that sounds like a top tip! I’ve got a small cool bag that should do the job xx