
  • 2 replies
  • 266 subscribers

Good morning 

I just find out that I have ICD grade 2 in left breast and definitely need mastectomy which I was mentally prepared for. My right breast it's clear for now but will they allow me to have double mastectomy and the reconstruction.? Also if I will decide to have reconstruction will that have any effect on my treatment like radiotherapy etc.?

I am new to all that and just seeking advice. Thank you 

  • Hi Anna T, sorry to hear of your diagnosis. It's great that you've found your way to this supportive place.

    I also have IDC and needed a mastectomy, which I had 4wks ago. I opted for delayed reconstruction on my surgeon's advice. Mainly because I'm also waiting for the results of genetic testing and if positive will need another mastectomy and would have reconstruction then. I'd prefer to have DIEP reconstruction and that is one shot only.

    However, my surgeon also said that if there are any complications with healing that can delay further treatment and also that radiotherapy can cause the tissue/implant to harden and or distort in the reconstructed breast.

    I'm not sure about whether your team will consider a double mastectomy. I had a lumpectomy on my other side and a double mastectomy wasn't mentioned. 

    I'm sure there are other women in this forum who have had immediate reconstruction or double mastectomies and can share more about their experience with it.

    I wish you well with your surgery and beyond.


  • Thank you for sharing your experience. It's so many questions not answered but I still need to wait for the mdt outcome. I I am 45 and don't really care about the breast just want to live but need to make the decision that is why I am asking what people experience is. Take care