Decline Chemo?

  • 4 replies
  • 268 subscribers


I'm reaching out to see if anybody has declined Chemo? And if so, the reasons why?

I had grade 2, stage 2 IDC (ER+ and HER-) with mastectomy (clear margins) and full node clearance and fortunately just in one out of 15. 

Consultant said radiotherapy not needed (I had silicone reconstruction so this is a bonus), but has said preventative chemo would be. But he didn’t have any stats as to why and what percentage this may help. This comes from oncologist when I get an appointment (estimated at 3-5 weeks).

I am reluctant to go through more. My kids are 9 and 12 and both are struggling. I work in a school and just want to get on as normal. Thinking life style changes will help just as much. 

Would appreciate any thoughts and feedback. 

Deb x 

  • Hi Deb, did they do an Oncotype test on the removed tissue? That would give a score suggesting high or low recurrence.  Are you still quite young,  as that would be another factor,  as would if you had LVI or extra nodal spead on the node removed. Oncologists use this to calculate gain,  with 3-5% a possible gain and over 5% recommending chemo.  That's at the 10 year mark.

    “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.  Stephen Hawking,
  • Forgot to add that TNBC or HER2+ would mean chemo as well. 

    “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.  Stephen Hawking,
  • Hi DebRus75

    So sorry to hear of your diagnosis what with having such young children. 

    I was diagnosed with invasive lobular cancer with 3.56cm lump in left breast ER+ Her2-(low) early December. Had 2 surgeries to remove lump & cancer cells (plus clear up infection from 1st surgery) & had auxiliary lymph node clearance of which 3 of 15 taken tested positive. Being in my late 50’s I was fortunate to be offered the Prosigna genomic test to determine whether chemo was beneficial. My results came back as a high risk for return in breast & 26% of appearing elsewhere. I decided to have chemo & have had 2 ECs so far with 1 more due, then 3 of Docetaxel. It’s certainly not pleasant but it’s doable in my opinion

    Good luck with whatever you decide x

  • Thank you for your response. I’m glad that the chemo is do-able even if not pleasant. Good luck with your journey! All the best, Debbie