Paclitaxel - Hair loss after regrowth?

  • 3 replies
  • 267 subscribers


I am having adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer. I have completed 4 rounds of ec and have had round 7/12 and have been having steady hair regrowth across my head and the rest of my body. When running my hand through my hair today on several occasion I have come away with a number of strands of hair. Is this likely to be the start of hair loss as a result of the cumulative effect or could this still potentially be just hair renewal through its normal growth cycle?

Thanks x

  • Hi, I'm honestly not sure, but I see your post hasn't had any replies yet and as the site is quite busy you've dropped off the first page.  My reply will bump you back up and I hope someone with the right experience will be along soon. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • That's so kind, thank you. I hope you are well x

  • Hello I too lost hair early on in EC and it has started to grow back during Paclitaxel. I’ve had my 4th of 12 sessions today. I have to say I’m thrilled at the growth but bracing myself for hair loss again. I’ve had no sign so far but I’m behind you in terms of treatments.  It’s confusing isn’t it. Sorry, I’ve not answered your question , hope someone can enlighten us. Hope all is going well for you.