Margins not clear following Lumpectomy

  • 6 replies
  • 269 subscribers

Can anyone offer me advice please? Lumpectomy performed for lobular cancer 4 weeks ago. Results received two days ago (no great detail as breast care nurse gave me the results on the phone as the consultant is away on holiday). 2.5 cm tumour removed. Margins not cleared on posterior and lateral aspects. Lymph node negative. Have appointment with consultant next Thursday to discuss options. What is the optimal time for re-excision? Did anyone not undergo re-excision for positive margins? Did anyone chose a mastectomy instead?

  • Hi,

    I had my second surgery 6 weeks after my first. I chose to have a mastectomy as my tumour was 4cm and being small to start with the lumpectomy left me with half a boob. My margins that weren’t clear were posterior and anterior so I had to lose some skin, I also needed axillary clearance so decided to lose the lot in one go.

  • Hi Dulcibella,

    Sorry that your margins were not clear. I was the same and I was frustrated by it. I don’t know what the optimal time is for re excision, but I remember having mine about 4 weeks later. I did consider a mastectomy but the consultant was not keen on this and neither was I to be honest. Also I had a partial mastectomy and used tissue from my back and I didn’t really want to “throw all that away” if there was another option. In the end I went for re excision and they got the last bit of it. Best wishes.

  • Thank you for your reply. Sending love xx

  • Hi Ruva, Thank you for sharing. Can I ask if your tumour was ductal or lobular? Sending love xx

  • You’re welcome! My tumour was 75% DCIS and 25% IDC. A total of 7cm was removed. 

  • Hi

    I had a re excision 6 weeks after the first lumpectomy, the margins came back clear on that occasion.

    Hope everything goes well  for you
