Surgery complete - waiting results

  • 6 replies
  • 266 subscribers

Hi everyone,

Just a quick question.

Diagnosed on 02/02 with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (10mm), Grade 3, ER2, PR0 HER2 still waiting.  I had surgery yesterday, wide local excision and sentinal lymph node biopsy.  Everything went well, I came home last night and have minimal pain this morning.

This morning I have received appointment for my results in just under 5 weeks.  I was expecting it to be sooner than this.  

Just wondering if this is pretty much a normal length of time?  I have been advised that I will likely need chemotherapy next then radiotherapy.

Oh and Happy Friday 


  • Hi  , happy Friday! Glad the op is done and that you have minimal pain. That sounds like a long wait for results, but my op was more than 5 years ago so I am out of touch with what is ‘normal’. I had an appointment 2 weeks after mine. But…. I did have a longer gap between op and radiotherapy than I’d expected (10 weeks instead of the 6 I’d been told was usual) and although it was frustrating at the time, in the end I was glad of the healing time. I’m sure others will pop in with more recent experiences. Sending love and a big (but gentle) virtual hug, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi Jules65, sorry to hear of your diagnosis, Glad all was well with op and I hope you continue to heal well with minimal pain. The results I think can take a good couple of weeks but then the testing for HER2 side I believe takes a bit longer so perhaps that’s why they have given you an appointment in 5 weeks. I was triple positive. I had surgery first but did have to have a second surgery as I had a sentinel lymph node that was positive. It was then followed by chemo, targeted treatment for a year, radiotherapy and hormone tablets for 5 years. So far all has been good and my first mammogram last October was all clear.

    Wishing you all the best

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Hi HappyFeets,

    Thanks for your reply.  I was expecting approx 2 weeks as that seems to be what most people have on here, but everyone is unique so I won't worry about it.  Like you say it's all healing time.

    Sending you hugs back and enjoy the weekend Slight smile

    Jules xx

  • HI Cuffcake2000

    Thanks for your reply.  On my original biopsy they couldn't get the HER2 result so you are likely correct that this takes longer.  If that comes back negative it will confirm TNBC, I'm not sure which is the preferable result +/- on that.  Nodes also look clear on ultrasound so fingers crossed that remains ok.

    There are so many different variations on treatment depending on these results.  I have been told that I will have chemotherapy as cells are grade 3 and then following with radiotherapy.  

    I had a hysterectomy last year due to endometrial cancer and I am 58, so assuming I won't need to have any hormone treatment.

    Good to hear you were clear at first mammogram Slight smile

    Have a lovely weekend.


  • Hi Jules, my Her2 result took a month to get back following biopsy and lumpectomy. With my cancer they first do a IHC test, if it’s 0 or 1+ you are HER2 negative mine came back as IHC+2. When +2 on IHC they then do a further test known as a ish. They are 4 groups in this ish, in some groups you are classed as HER2 negative and in others HER2 positive. If you are HER2 positive then the HER2 drugs are given and if negative they are thought not to be effective. I was in group 4 which is classed as HER2 negative, they are now referring to this as HER 2 low and they are ongoing trials - destiny 5 trial, to see how effective the new HER 2 drugs are in treating this type of cancer but these trials take several years. However I’m rambling on, but this may be why your appointment is booked for 5 weeks following surgery. I send you my warmest wishes as I know how hard the waiting is. 

  • HI Shade,

    Thank you for this.  I have actually just had results from my initial biopsy on 26/01 and it states, HER2 2+ DDISH has been requested.  This would seem to relate to the 'ish' you mention. 

    My BCN did say that the result of the HER2 will basically determine which drugs I have for chemo. 

    I'm sure the 5 weeks will go quickly and in the meantime I will relax and enjoy the break from work.

    Have a lovely weekend Slight smile
