Axilla clearance 2 days ago, any advice?

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Morning everyone, I had a lumpectomy and Axilla node clearance a couple of days ago. Can’t wait to get the drain out. I thought it was going to be a small drain! What’s everyone’s experience of the drain? How long is the average time for it to come out? I was told it needs to get below 50ml of liquid before it gets removed. It’s been a solid 100ml every day. Any other help or advice? It’s actually my underarm that’s the sorest.  Now the dreaded wait to see if the histology is ok. I’m also not sure what the odds of chemo are, I kept asking my specialist but she just said that she couldn’t give me any answers until she had the histology back. I’ve already had a full ct scan and nuclear bone scan both of these came back fine. Sorry just realised how many questions in this small paragraph!! Thanks everyone x

  • Hi HC73, I had an axillary clearance and a drain for about 5 days. It was a pain and I was so glad to get rid of it, I then felt much better. I was amazed at how one little thing could make you feel so awkward and down. Yes I too found it very sore under the arm. The lumpectomy was much less painful. My arm felt like it constantly had sandpaper rubbing it. Now a year and a bit down the line I still have some numbness but the sandpaper feeling has disappeared. Once they have all the results back they will be able to work out your plan. I had my plan when I went to see my surgeon as the biopsies I had before hand gave them lots of info on my tumour. It’s was hormone fed and also her2 positive so I knew it was chemo for me. After both my surgeries the only extra bit of info I had was the cancer had spread to 9 more nodes but the results were still triple positive so for me it didn’t change. Sometimes after surgery the original plan can change as they have a fuller picture. It’s great that the scans came back clear, now the histology will give them the last piece of info and they will be able to confirm your plan. Waiting for results was the worst part I found. Now I’m 16 months down the line and finished my treatment for now. Had my first yearly mammogram last October and all was clear. 
    Wishing you all the best

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Thanks Cuffcake, I have hormonal cancer and no HER 2 positive so that’s good. Originally they said that I would be having radiotherapy. Then I had an mri and they did an ultra sound on my lymph’s which showed a larger node which they biopsied and came back as cancerous. That’s why they then did the other scans. Chemo is back on the table until they know how many nodes it’s in. So here’s hoping it’s just the one! I’m so pleased that your first mammogram after all your treatment came back clear. What a survivor you are! Also thank you for taking the time to respond to my messages H x

  • Hi.

    The drain isn’t great,  but hopefully it won’t be in for too long, and it’s doing a  important job. Did the hospital give you a bag to carry it round in? I did find mine useful.

    I had a sentinel node biopsy along with my therapeutic mammoplasty which found 2 (of 4) nodes had cancer in them. That led to an axillary clearance. I was lucky that none of those had any cancer. That meant I was eligible for Oncotype testing to see if Chemo was recommended, it took 3 weeks to get the results, which felt like forever but the score came back low, so no chemo, just radiotherapy. 
    Good luck and fingers crossed for you