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  • 273 subscribers

Hi I have just done cycle 3 of EC and about to move on to docetaxel. I was wondering what others experiences were of docetaxel? What are the possible side effects. Has anyone tried the ice gloves and socks. 

  • Hi Teddy5

    Welcome to the forum and I’m sorry to hear that you were diagnosed with breast cancer.  While I don’t have an answer for you I noticed you haven’t had any replies yetmso I thought I’d reply to you to move you to the top of the discussion. Hopefully someone will be along shortly with an answer for you.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Day 1/2 tolerabe/tiredness

    Day 3/4/5 fatigue, nose bleed, sore mouth, aching neck and shoulders, also sore down below. Constipation turned into diorreah. 

    day 5/6/7 bone pain from the at home injections for white blood cells! 

    Felt generally quite well the following 2 weeks before next cycle. Hot water bottle/hot baths for bone pain, I used nappy cream for down below, I started loratadine for bone pain from injections. And just usual pain killers. 

  • I’ve had no neuropathy as of yet! And also trying cold capping for my hair I have a few bald patches on the top but can cover with hair from my hair line! Lost about 30% I would say. Good luck hope this helps x

  • Hi Teddy 

    I had docytaxel together with carboplatin for my chemo ‘cocktail’!,., similar side effects to Han92…. First 4 cycles I had no sickness but it seemed to build up I think & I had some nausea in the last 2 cycles..

    my advice would be to drink as much water as you can (I was rubbish at this!… it tastes funny so add some squash or fresh lemon etc)..  take the anti sickness pills they give you but sometimes they cause constipation so I did have to take Laxido some weeks!

    Looking back it wasn’t as bad for me - the worst bit was losing taste (I love my food!)..  3rd week of every cycle was the best .. make the most & don’t push yourself in week 1&2… just go with it ..  

    good luck for rest of your treatment x

  • Thank you for your response. I am struggling this time with the side effects of the EC and injections. Still nauseous - does docetaxel cause any nauseous? I have not had pain before from the injections but this time it is really painful.  My nails appear to have been effected as well toe nails are dry and red near top. I am going to paint them black. Is there anything else I can do? 

  • For my nails I was recommended a product called Polybalm… I found it really helped and my nails are still fine…. I also recommend the amazing online workshops with the charity ‘Looking Good Feel Better’ … they do a nail care one as well as makeup, hair care etc. they give you really good hints and tips. Yes painting your nails dark does help… paint them a day before your treatment..keep it on for a week or so then remove it to check nails etc then do same again before next one…. They show you how to do base coats etc & general nail care … really helpful … Are you near a Maggies Centre? They often hold face to face workshops if you prefer that ..

    Hope that helps x 

  • Hi Teddy5, I had 4 cycles of EC followed by 4 cycles of docetaxel. I was lucky and didn’t suffer any nauseousness. I was given 4 different anti sickness meds when I was on EC and took the regularly. I didn’t need them for docetaxel as I was told by my oncologist it was a chemo that made you feel nauseous. He was right I had no problems with sickness. However everyone is different and I don’t know but I guess some could feel sick. The best thing would be to ask for some anti sickness meds so you have to them on hand. 

    Wishing you all the best

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Hi 

    I've just had my first round of docetaxel and phesgo Thursday past. Was fine for the first couple of days. I have now got achy muscles, a sore throat and sore fingertips but its all manageable and I'm still able to do normal tasks.  I haven't had any sickness so far. Xx 

  • Hi, 

    similar to Han93 on the side effects. I have round 5 of 6 today.

    im doing cold cap and cold feet and hand mitts. It’s a bit uncomfy but bearable and you can take you hands and feet in and out, I also have dark nail on my hands and feet. Make sure you have fingerless gloves and chop the ends of a warm pair of socks. I also take a hot water bottle. Cold cap wise is a little painful for the first 10 minutes but then fine for the rest of the time, just makes your time in hospital longer as you need to have it on for a while after the drugs have been given.

    Good luck x

  • Hi Teddy5, I am having the same course of treatment as you. I’m 2 behind you as only had one treatment, Second one next Thursday. I too will be interested in your replies. 
    Ice gloves and socks? That doesn’t sound very nice to me Hugging x

    Alfie 24