I’m freaking out!

  • 8 replies
  • 269 subscribers

I just noticed nipple discharge after my shower this morning! I’m 8 weeks post WLE, started Tamoxifen yesterday and due to start radiotherapy in March. What the hell?

I’ve called the breast team and no answer so left a message. Being a Friday, I have to sit with this all weekend. I am overwhelmed.

  • Forgot to add - The discharge is in the treated breast.

  • Dear Ruva

    Everyday our body does strange things and this cause us to have emotions that trigger our anxiety and negative thoughts. I find staying positive is so difficult, and having to work harder to fight off the scary and worrying thoughts. I can only guess you want answers and want to do something to stop what is happening to you but, do try to take deep breaths and write down what you have just experienced. Hopefully your care team will respond to you quickly. Sending you lots of hugs and positive vibes your way Heart

  • Thank you so much. I was not able to speak to the nurses as they are all busy in clinic. They did pass on a message to say that I should monitor this over the weekend and call again on Monday if the problem persists. I will make a note of any more of these episodes. 

  • Easily said but try not to panic.

    Our bodies do lots of strange things when recovering from the trauma of surgery.

    You did the right thing by calling and hopefully one of your team will be in touch with reassurance soonist.

  • Ive calmed down now, in all fairness nothing can be done this weekend anyway. I think seeing the discharge this morning took me back to that fateful day when I saw it 6 months ago and then diagnosed with breast cancer. I tried not to worry then but it turned out I had every reason to worry! So I’ve had that initial moment of panic but it is what it is and will tackle it when the time comes I guess.

  • Sounds like a plan Ruva, but try not to over think it and have some ‘you’ time over the weekend Hugging xx

    Alfie 24

  • Hi  , sorry you are having this added worry, as if dealing with having recently had surgery, going on Tamoxifen and soon to be having radiotherapy wasn’t enough! Definitely needs checking out but I thought I’d pop in with my experience. I had blood stained nipple discharge from my treated side over a year after my op. Straight into panic mode. It was a weekend of course but I phoned the breast clinic on the Monday and got an appointment that week. By the time I was examined it had stopped - but I was sent for a mammogram and ultrasound. Nothing was detected, I saw the doctor a second time then again about 2 months later. No further discharge. No idea why it happened - my only thought was that doing an exercise class had somehow caused irritation from friction from my sports bra. The doctor didn’t think so and as it hasn’t recurred we simply don’t know why it happened. But I’ve had at least 2 annual mammograms since then and so far all seems fine. 
    Hope you can get it checked very soon, it’s horrible being chucked back into the limbo land of waiting and fearing. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Thank you happyfeet1 for sharing your experience it helps so much. I’m certainly going to give them another call and insist on being checked even if it doesn’t happen again.