Recovery after dog ear surgery

  • 3 replies
  • 267 subscribers

Hi after 18 months I finally had a call from plastic surgery department to say my dog ear surgery will go ahead on the 28th. I had bi lateral mastectomies and axillary clearance which left me with dog ears under both armpits. I am having them done under local anaesthetic and I forgot to ask what my recovery time is likely to be. I work in Reception class as a teaching assistant and wondered how soon I could expect to be back at work. I'm not under any pressure to return early and am fully supported by my headteacher but would like to give them an idea as to how long I need off.

  • Hello! I had dog ear surgery, but on my stomach after a diep reconstruction, at the same time as I had a nipple reconstruction, another easy procedure, done under local anaesthetic. I also work in primary, reception. I was off in total 2 weeks, this was mostly because I got a haematoma that needed to go down but in terms of pain it was manageable to go back after say 7-10 days. The thing is with our job, you get bashed a lot, I would say if you took 2 weeks off you’d be totally recovered to return, 1 week you’d still be a bit anxious about getting knocked x

  • Thanks, that's what I thought I would need. As you say in reception you're like to get bashed or even hugged!!

  • Yes, sometimes hugged very enthusiastically RoflRofl Good luck x