Going abroad when on abemaciclib

  • 21 replies
  • 271 subscribers

I had bilateral breast cancer, have been through 6 rounds of Chemo and double mastectomy and lymph nodes clearance with reconstruction (implants) followed by further surgery to remove my nipples.  I'll start Radiotherapy soon, and my understanding was that would mark the end of treatment, other than tamoxifen for 10yrs.  But yesterday my oncologist mentioned Abemaciclib (it's not been mentioned before by any of the team).  I'm waiting for blood test results before he puts me onto any drugs, but in the meantime have been reading/researching online.  And now I'm worried about the impact of the side effects, the impact on everyday life but also the impact on those special moments in life.  For example holidays.  So my question is, when you're on Abemaciclib, can you go abroad?  I'd promised the kids a holiday this year (we haven't been away for 4 years, they've been through a lot, they deserve some fun and a break and change of scenery).  Has anyone who is on it been away, and did it go OK?  I'm mostly worried due to the need for regular blood tests, side effects that might affect my travelling, and ability to take the drugs through customs.  Here's hoping I'm over worried / over thinking. Would very much appreciate any comments/experiences.

  • I just wanted to come back and post to say thank you for all the tips and advice.  Me and the kids just got back from our trip - we went to Vietnam for 2 weeks, and we had an amazing time.  My oncologist had been really supportive and sent me with antibiotics ( I didn't need to take them in the end but it was good to have them just in case) and I took my full medicine chest (of which I only needed a lot of loperdine).  I was fatigued at times and we didn't do as much as I would have done if I hadn't been on Abemaclicib and sometimes I had to watch what I was eating (with some days of just white bread and chicken pho) .  But it was still a fantastic trip, so I wanted to post to say that I know everyone is individual and reacts differently to the drugs, but for me long haul was possible and I'm so glad we went, it made a huge, positive difference to my mental health just being able to be there.  So if anyone is worried (like I was before going) then I hope you can be reassured that it is possible as my experience was a very positive one.  Xx