Going abroad when on abemaciclib

  • 21 replies
  • 271 subscribers

I had bilateral breast cancer, have been through 6 rounds of Chemo and double mastectomy and lymph nodes clearance with reconstruction (implants) followed by further surgery to remove my nipples.  I'll start Radiotherapy soon, and my understanding was that would mark the end of treatment, other than tamoxifen for 10yrs.  But yesterday my oncologist mentioned Abemaciclib (it's not been mentioned before by any of the team).  I'm waiting for blood test results before he puts me onto any drugs, but in the meantime have been reading/researching online.  And now I'm worried about the impact of the side effects, the impact on everyday life but also the impact on those special moments in life.  For example holidays.  So my question is, when you're on Abemaciclib, can you go abroad?  I'd promised the kids a holiday this year (we haven't been away for 4 years, they've been through a lot, they deserve some fun and a break and change of scenery).  Has anyone who is on it been away, and did it go OK?  I'm mostly worried due to the need for regular blood tests, side effects that might affect my travelling, and ability to take the drugs through customs.  Here's hoping I'm over worried / over thinking. Would very much appreciate any comments/experiences.

  • I’m also in Abemaciclib and have booked a holiday in June this year (flying to Italy). I’ve arranged insurance and answered all the questions.  I think the question was are you adjuvant medication I.e Letrozole. To which I answered yes.  Do you think I should have specifically mentioned Abemaciclib?  I’m beginning to worry about foreign travel, what with Covid, insurance and medication.   I’m now wondering if I should contact the insurer and tell l them I’m on a therapy drug.  

  • I’m all for full disclosure   but if they just asked if you’re taking medication, without following on with the name of it, not sure what else you’re supposed to do? It might put your mind at rest to contact your insurers and ask if they need to know the medication name. If they say yes, just tell them the names - they have experts who will assess any risk. 

    Above all else, enjoy Italy! That was our last trip in Sept and we loved it xx

  • Thank you for your suggestion, I think I will contact them, hopefully all they can do is increase the premium.  Never been to Italy before, we’ve booked Sorenta and so looking forward to it.  Glad you enjoyed your trip there last year.   All the best. M x

  • Hi. I’ve been on abemaciclib for a year. Last year I went abroad 4 times. I put my life on hold enough with surgery, chemo and radiotherapy so nothing was stopping me going on holiday and making up for lost time. 
    I took treatment breaks for the 2 big holidays. And the smaller long weekends I carried on with treatment. 
    I’ve had no issues.

    hope this helps 

  • Thank you so much for replying, your post gives me a lot of hope.  And I'm with you, life has been on hold enough!  Thanks again, I feel like I can go back to the oncologist armed with more confidence

  • I'm on cycle 2 and I'm on 2 weekly blood tests,  so I wouldn't plan anything too long/too far in the early stages.  Firstly because of the regular appointments and secondly just because you don't know how you'd be affected by the tablets.

    Having read other experiences on here, I requested to start on the lowest dose and work upwards - I heard going straight to 150mg  twice a day can be very hard.  So my first month was 50g x 2 and I'm now on 100mg x 2.  It's working for me,  I was exhausted a the end of the very first week, just for a couple of days.  So far, I've not suffered from anything else. The team were happy for me to do this as the studies show reducing dose at any time doesn't impact the final result.

    Prescription drugs are no problem through customs as long as they are boxed and labelled with your name,

  • I've had a similar experience (chemo, surgery, about to start radiotherapy and then boom, oncologist mentions abemaciclib). I am very grateful for any treatment and I will happily take it. I do feel really keen to get my life back after so much disruption and give the kids a much needed break. I didn't expect that hormone therapy would come with some of the side effects and considerations as chemo. 

  •     can I ask about your experience of abemaciclib in the first couple of months? I'm due yo start it in April I think (radiotherapy starts early March). We have a holiday booked for end of May so 4-8 weeks after starting. We booked the holiday before we had any idea about abemaciclib. It's a long haul flight (7 hours).

    It's an end of treatment holiday that we've been planning and I feel we need it as a family. Am I mad to consider it so close to starting? How were your first couple of months? 

    I know everyone is different and I won't know how I'll be effected. We can't move the dates and it would be the third holiday we've had to cancel so I'm loath to cancel if it might be manageable. 

  • Hi, the first couple of cycles, each last 28 days, I was seen every 14 days. Bloods & face to face review. My white cell count dropped pretty quickly. 

    I think the worst side effects during that time was diarrhoea, stomach cramps & nausea. Fatigue started 2-3 months in too. 

    For me a long haul flight would be too much. 

    I really feel for you a I was hoping for a holiday etc & to get some normally back after radiotherapy but that didn't happen. Although I am grateful to be offered the drug, I am just six cycles away from finishing & can't wait 

    I wonder if it is worth delaying starting to take it til after the holiday, may be discuss with your oncologist.

    Like you say, we are all different & you may have be ok.

    Best wishes Viv x

  • Thank you so much for the tip re dosages.  I'm seeing my oncologist on Friday and will certainly ask him about it then, thanks