First oncology appointment - what happens there?

  • 20 replies
  • 274 subscribers

Hello, I wonder if anyone could share their experience of what happens at the first oncology appointment? I have one booked in 2 weeks.

I am 5 weeks post op for grade1, er positive, her2 negative, no lymph involvement breast cancer.

I guess I’m wondering:

- What will be discussed? Will I get to know final diagnosis which would include staging and prognosis etc? Whilst I’ve been told definitely no chemo, I am well aware that this could change.

- How long after that initial appointment did you have to wait for the actual treatment?

I shall be ever so grateful to hear some of your experience to help me plan. As you can imagine, I am terrified and panicked all over again now that I have an actual date.

  • Hi Ruva

    I'm in the same position as you, I'm 8 weeks post op grade 1 er positive, her2 negative with no lymph node spread. I've got my oncology appointment on Wednesday.

    I can only assume that it will be to discuss radiotherapy and hormone therapy as I've already been told that prognosis is very good.

    Hopefully it won't be long for radiotherapy, I just want it over and done with. I also would be interested in others experience of the appointment.

    Good luck with your journey xx

  • Hi   I was last year, similar but grade 2, 20mm.
    My oncology appointment was short and seemed to be just to get signed consent for 5 sessions of RT.

    I’d already got my diagnosis confirmed as I’d got a copy of my surgery pathology report.

    I didn’t ask about prognosis as I’d used the online NHS Predict web page.

    I asked oncologist to refer me for a Dexa scan as they’d just put me on Anastrozole with no baseline of my bone density. She referred me for that and I had that scan 5 months later.

    My RT was 11 weeks after my surgery.

    I hope all goes well for you. Sending you a hug xx

  • Hi  and  , you both sound very similar to my situation, except mine was Grade 2. At my oncology appointment he proposed radiotherapy and hormone therapy, which I was expecting. Once I’d ’signed up’, I had a further chat with the oncology nurse who arranged to extend my sick note and also chatted about the logistics of the radiotherapy, which was at a different hospital. I had been given my prescription for Anastrozole so collected it from the hospital pharmacy. After the oncology appointment I got a call from the radiotherapy department to arrange a planning meeting at that hospital. That involved a chat with a nurse and a CT scan where I was ‘marked up’ with 3 tiny tattoo dots (I’m not sure that they do tattoos anymore though, this was 5 years ago). My actual rads sessions started a couple of weeks later. I had 3 weeks of it, though I think one week is common nowadays. I think that’s it! Oh and got referred for a dexa scan to check bone density due to going on the Anastrozole. It was done about half way through my radiotherapy. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi 

    I had my surgery on 1st Nov - had my oncology appointment in first week of December - before that I had appointment with my surgeon who explained the test results post surgery - gave me confirmation of clear margins and said I will be referred to the oncologist at at another hospital where radiation and hormone treatment will be recommended 

    at oncologist appointment - they discuss your case again and explain what they propose in terms of radiation treatment - for me it was for one week - explained what is radiation side effects etc and then make you sign consent form 

    then for hormone treatment - they normally prescribe tamoxifen - but as I had read it can impact endometrium - I said I don’t want tamoxifen instead chose leterozole - I had endometriosis so did not want to risk it - so she did a blood test to confirm i was indeed finished menopause - as I had not officially tested  for it and until diagnosis of bilateral breast cancer - had mirena coil - so oncologist thought I may not have had periods because of the coil 

    anyway blood text confirmed I am in menopause and therefore started my letrazole on 20 dec - 

    I had my CT scan on 29 dec for imaging and measurement for radiation - as stated here had three small tattoo mark on either side of breast and in the middle between breasts - make sure you wear warm socks and warm leg wear - because it was very cold in the room and being bare body on top and lying still - was very cold 

    I started my radiation treatment on 25 Jan - 2 sessions over 3 more to go - there is some pain in surgical areas and skin burning - but have been drinking plenty of water and monitoring the area gently with pure coconut oil which has helped me keep my hands of the affected area from scratching 

    Having completed more than month of latrazole - slowly getting used to it as well - side effects were severe hot flushes headaches and fatigue - but have been exercising at home lifting small weights and doing yoga which really helps - drinking plenty of water 

    what is important is to stay positive and do all things that will strengthen your mind - having access to best medical facilities and getting treatment on time is in itself a blessing - stay strong and put your faith in yourself - Even this shall pass away 

    all the best xx

  • Thank you so much this is really helpful.

  • Thank you so much for this information, it’s really useful information. 

  • Thank you so much for sharing your experience.

  • Thank you Sviridhan, this was really helpful to hear of your journey,, presently waiting for oncologists call to arrange radiotherapy. Your positivity is uplifting, thanks again

  • Hi Ruva

    I had my appointment on Wednesday, really only spoke about treatment ongoing. Signed the consent form for radiotherapy. Was given a prescription for hormone therapy and vitamin D plus Calcium. 

    My radiotherapy will be in 6 to 8 weeks time.

    I hadn't had my medical exemption card through but the pharmacist said straight away that there was no charge. 

    Good luck sweetie xx

  • I have been struggling a little bit with aching joints, fatigue etc with Letrazole and just finishing 5 days of raidation 

    Hoping to start doing some walking and yoga 

    also just a wee bit worried about the thinning bones - as my bones were thin before I started Letrazole - been told I need to wait at least a year on a bone scan 

    looking for tipsGrinning

    and great to hear from anyone