Results day… finally

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 I had surgery on 20th December. Lumpectomy and lymph node removal. Lobular invasive carcinoma / ER8 / PR8 / HER2 negative. Ki67 score of 13 / Grade 2 / 28mm tumour 
They got a good margin which is clear as are my 5 lymph nodes! I couldn’t hope for any more at this stage. What a relief to learn that I don’t need more surgery! I haven’t recovered from the 1st lot yet!  It’s been almost 5 weeks of waiting and it’s been torture! 

Up until today, I was told that I wouldn’t need chemo as “this cancer tends to behave itself” and “it doesn’t usually respond well to chemo”. A different surgeon gave me my results today and recommended that I have an oncotype test which I have agreed to. She explained what it was and said the cost to the nhs was £3k. The sample has to be sent to America and I will have the results in 4 weeks. The test will determine the likelihood of recurrence if it’s high the recommendation would be that I had chemo before radiology and letrozole. If it’s low then they would just recommend radiology and letrozole. I can’t get my ahead around receiving a low score (hopefully) and needing more treatment. I’m sure it’s not that black and white and of course the oncologist will explain all… 

Are these tests the norm with this type of cancer? Anyone had any experience of it? 

  • Hi there,  so glad everything has turned out well so far and let’s hope oncotypedx test is good too.  I think it is a good idea to have that test done.  I live in US and done pretty routinely here.  
    Take care



  • I had the Oncotype DX test and many do.  It's recommended for ER+ HER2- regularly.

    It's not universally offered by every NHS trust due to the cost,  some people have to pay privately for it so you  are lucky.

    It helps your oncologist guide the best treatment for you.  Depending on the result, they won't offer chemo if the chance of recurrence is lower - as the benefit vs side effects don't weigh up.

  • Hello. I had the test. I was diagnosed ER 8/8 24mm in Dec 21. Mine came back with a score of 9. Had lumpectomy, radiotherapy and am now on letrozole with 4 weekly zoladex injections as i haven't gone through the menopause yet. Glad everything is turning out well for you and good luck in your treatment journey

  • Thank you. I think it was yet another curved ball and the first time anyone has ever mentioned possible chemo if the score is high. I just wasn’t expecting it as they said they’d got it all and my lymph nodes were clear. 
    i just hope my score is as low as yours and then the possible treatment options will be the same as you’ve had. 
    How are you getting on with the letrozole? 

  • Thank you. I can see it’s a good thing and yes, I’m lucky to be offered it. I wasn’t expecting it though, I just thought after I’d been given the ‘all clear’ ‘we’ve got it all’  I’d be sent straight for radiotherapy. 
    the word chemo shook me… hopefully the score will be low. 

  • I was the same,  only thought radio initially so yes I know it's a shock.

    My score was higher at 31, and the grade of my tumour had gone up after the surgery result (biopsy was grade 2, surgery said grade 3) so I ended up having chemo.  It was for the best.

  • Thanks for responding again, Mrs P. It’s just such a lot to get your head around in a short space of time. They told me yesterday my tumour was slightly smaller than the first thought (it ended up being 28mm and they thought it was 33mm). What size was yours? 
    I nearly fell off the chair when she said the c word! 

  • They just told me they couldn't give me any confirmation on treatment until they had my score back. They said definitely hormone treatment but either radiotherapy or both radiotherapy and chemo so i always knew there might be a chance of chemo. I initially started on tamoxifen but due to risk of blood clots had to come off it which resulted in me taking letrozole and the 4 weekly jabs to stop my ovaries from working. I get awful hot flushes which makes summer unbearable but I'm told the jabs i have make them worse but i can't stop those until I've gone through the menopause. I'm hoping it's not just the letrozole causing those. The other side effects are manageable. With the bone pain i find keeping moving helps a lot along with Ibuprofen gel. I also try to stick to one brand of letrozole if i can as for me different ones bring different side effects but some people get no side effects at all.

  • Mine was 21mm but they initially had it sized at 15mm.

    So after surgery it was larger and higher grade then initial tests showed.

    When I got my biopsy results they said radio & letrozole.  

    Then after my surgery results it was suggested the Oncotype test was done to see if chemo would be of benefit, or not. 

  • Hi Jackster. Just wondered how you were getting on? I had my op Feb 16th and now in long wait for results. I too was told no chemo at the outset but am very conscious this can always change. Am scared witless that I will have to have chemo. I don’t know what the factors are that make them change their stance do you? Am guessing you will have Onco type results back by now? Keeping everything crossed for a low score for you