
  • 4 replies
  • 266 subscribers

I had a lumpectomy back in September and I have decided not to have any treatment I.e radiation and tamoxifen.

I'm frightened and worried now, is there anybody else who has not had treatment after lumpectomy?

  • Hi lois2510, I had a lumpectomy and axillary clearance. My plan was chemo, radiotherapy, targeted treatment and hormone treatment (tamoxifen). Whilst I didn’t really want to have to go through it, it made sense to help prevent any reoccurrence as there was no guarantee that cancer cells hadn’t broken off and spread to other parts. It’s a personal choice as to whether you continue to have treatment and no one can make that decision for you. It also depends on the type of cancer you have. I was triple positive so had a higher chance of it spreading quickly and reoccurring. Whilst having treatment is not always great and there are some not so good days, plus side effects it’s certainly doable. Meds are given to help combat side effects. For me radiotherapy has left my boob with a suntan as I call it, plus the skin has thickened so it’s more pert plus it is uncomfortable sometimes. Everyone’s experience is different with that and I kept moistuirising it to to help prevent it becoming dry and sore from the treatment. 
    I don’t know how many out there are in your position but I’m sure there are some who have not continued with treatment for personal reasons.

    Wishing you all the best. 
    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Hi  Cuffcake2000,

    Thank you so much for replying, it means alot.

    I had invasive ductal carcinoma ep positive HER2 neg.

    I had a lumpectomy and lymph nodes taken out, I only had 1 treatment of radiation, but I should of had 5 weeks radiation and to start tamoxifen for 5 years.

    I feel so frightened and scared.

    I don't really have anyone at the moment, and if I'm honest I'm burying my head in the sand and hopeing it all goes away.

    Again thank you for replying and wishing you all the best and love x

    Lois xxxx

  • Hi Lois, it must be very scary if you are alone in this. Others here too are on their own and having to cope. It’s definitely not something that is easy.  Can I ask why you only had 1 session of radiotherapy and didn’t want to take the hormone blocker? I have found although I have hot flushes on tamoxifen I take it at night so it tends then not to happen during the day. I know there can be other side effects and the patient leaflet has to list them all which makes it sound really scary too. If you look at paracetamol or ibuprofen they too can have some scary  side effects but we tend to just take them and don’t even worry. We are all here to help and support and offer advice on what we have gone through. The MacMillan nurses here are fab too. Maybe you could have a chat with them. There are also groups at your local MacMillan or maggies centre that you can get to meet others and the volunteers who will also do what they can to help and support. The network is amazing. Ive made lots of friends and even met up with some of them which has been great. 
    Keep chatting on the forum as its a brilliant way to share your fears and others will have been through similar. The radiotherapy and tamoxifen are all to help prevent any reoccurrence and hopefully avoid having to go through it again.

    Wishing you all the best

    Hugs and love cuffcake x x x x x

  • Hi Lois2510,  Oh I can understand second thoughts and if you feel that way my suggestion would be to contact your BC nurse and discuss.  Possibly you can still have radiation and the tamoxifen.  Looks like you already had mapping done for the radiation so that may speed things up.  Everything can be so overwhelming but your feelings and doubt won’t go away.  Talking with the specialists would be my suggestion and hope you can get it all worked out.  We are all here for you.

