Anyone else have a massive tumour?

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  • 270 subscribers

I was diagnosed with IDC HER+ and ER. +. My tumour was 12.5cm from baseline to enhancement.

I never had any symptoms that you would usually expect with breast cancer and I regularly checked. But I started to have a small itch on my breast which was not persistent and came and went over a few months. So I thought I’d get it checked. First oncologist I saw told me to put aveno on it as they could t feel a lump in my breast or my armpit etc.

luckily I pushed for a mammogram and 2 weeks later had a 12.5cm tumour with lymph node involvement. I’m 47 and was 46 when diagnosed so would not have had the screening for another few years. 

chemo, phesgo, single mastectomy down the line I’m booked for a full node clearance in 2 weeks. 

just interested to know if anyone else has had a large tumour.


  • Hi, yes 10.5 cm & another 1.5cm one found during surgery, so shocked, I was large busted and dense tissue. 54 when diagnosed. Also in lymph nodes 

    I hope your treatment goes well

    Best wishes x 

  • Hi,  yes I did.  Read my profile for more info.  Just to add to it, I am still on treatment until September, but leading a fairly normal life etc. I was too young for screening too x

  • Yes mine was 10cm - this was in my right side which had shrunk - it turned out the tumour was eating my breast tissue - I had no other option but to have a mx.  Also I had full clearance of my nodes & out of the 18 taken 16 were infected with one being ulcerated. 
    Just finished my chemo - 3 of EC and 3 of Docetaxel - starting my Radiotherapy soon.

    Wishing you all the best with your treatments x

  • Similar journey to me.  I found a lump which was 1.8cm on scan, only when I had an MRI scan there was approx 11cm of further cancer and in my lymph nodes.  No other choice but to have mastectomy with delayed reconstruction which I am on the waiting list to have.

    All the best with the rest of your treatment x

  • Hi I had my first mammogram at 52 due to covid and had no idea I had a large area of disease.  On the left side I had multifocal invasive ductal cancer with total area 13cm. On the right side I had multifocal lobular invasive cancer largest 1.6cm. I had lymph node involvement so had double mastectomy and full axillary clearance on both sides. I then had 6 rounds of FEC-T and 15 sessions of radiotherapy ending October 2022. I returned to work a month later and now take tamoxifen. I've slowly built up stamina and back to feeling strong and healthy going back to horse riding this year. I'm so grateful for screening as I also had large dense breasts and could not feel anything unusual myself.