Feeling scared

  • 3 replies
  • 267 subscribers

I have infiltrating ductal carcinoma 

im so scared, reading  a lot, my shoulder is constantly aching. Having mri on Wednesday. Please can someone reassure me I’m going to be ok? Xx 

  • Hi Burgess, sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Hearing that you have cancer is a scary thing. Trying to read up about it on Google can put all sorts of scare stories in your mind. Whilst I know it’s hard not to Google things (I’ve been there and done that too) and if you do keep to well know websites like MacMillan or breast cancer org etc. I too had IDC, if you click on my name you can read my journey. I to noticed every little ache or pain I would panic thinking it’s spread. I think this is natural and lots of us are like this. Once you’ve had your mri on Wednesday they will have more information and be able to work out the best plan for you. Try and relax and do somethings you enjoy to take your mind off things. Unfortunately waiting for results is hard. I found that I think the hardest part of my journey. 
    chatting on the forums is great as there are lots of us out there always willing to help and offer advice or are just there ready to listen when you need to have a vent. 
    Wishing you all the best. 
    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Hello Burgess,  I know this is a very stressful time when you are going through diagnosis especially when more testing is being done.  Infiltrating is the same as invasive ductal carcinoma.  Personally I worried myself and lost 10 pounds due to stress.  I would not recommend it as it got me nowhere.  I know that some stress is natural but it is a good idea to deep breath often to try and relax.  I also tried to watch comedy movies in the evening to get my mind off the cancer. 
    I had DCIS in one breast snd IDC in the other snd if you click my name you can read about my journey.  Made it through and feeling good now and I know what fear the word cancer brings to anyone who has it.  This site is wonderful and there are many positive people here.  We all get through it and sometimes the road is bumpy but we keep on going.  Hugs to you and hope MRI has good news.



  • Hi  and another warm welcome to the forum, a club we never wanted to join! But I’ve found it a great place for support and shared experiences. Lovely answers already. I also had IDC, diagnosed over 5 years ago and I’m still rattling around the site. You’re at a horrible ‘limbo’ stage, waiting for tests and results. It’s very scary and stressful, I think we’ve all felt more able to cope once we know what we’re dealing with. Your team will want as much information as possible to inform their treatment plan for you. There’s no easy way to get through the waiting, it’s tortuous. Can only suggest that you resist googling (lots of out of date information and a lot that’s just wrong), try to keep busy, and know that you’re not alone. Breast cancer is very common and treatments are moving forward all the time. Sending love and a big virtual hug, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi