
  • 5 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Can we just ask, did anyone of you ever get a grade 2 on your biopsy which was then later found to be only a grade 1 on lumpectomy?

  • Hi Mumpsy I think we may have spoken before in this forum. It is not uncommon for things to change once that lump is out and has been fully analysed at pathology.  I've not heard of a grade being given at biopsy stage but definitely after lumpectomy because then they are certain what they are dealing with.  That said Grade 1 is fantastic news and cause for happiness. 


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  • Hi yes indeed we have spoken ! 

    I was given a result of grade 2 IDC after I'd had my biopsy and was also told the oestrogen status and herceptin status at that point as well. 

    Then, after ly lumpectomy, I was given a different grade. 

    I wasn't expecting that Slight smile

  • Hi, yes I was told grade 2 at biopsy and then grade 1 after lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy, which was great news.  So I think it does happen sometimes.  Wish you lol the best xx

  • Hi 

    • I was told Grade 2 at biopsy and the lymph node biopsied was negative. After lumpectomy this changed to grade 3 with one  positive sentinel lymph node.

    Best wishes


  • I was grade 2 on biopsy and grade 3 on removal.  Surgeon said this is regular due to the small amount of tissue taken in biopsy.