the waiting is really taking its toll now…

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  • 270 subscribers

Hello, just venting here, I do understand so many people are going through much worse, I’m just surprised by how slllowwwww progress feels. 

Initial diagnosis 21 November, high grade DCIS, but they wanted to do an MRI to exclude further tumours as the breast tissue is very dense and I had symptoms. Had the MRI, another tumour found, so needed another biopsy. Had the other biopsy last week, am awaiting results. The CNS team haven’t returned my call yet (don’t have an email for them just an answerphone) and I am just feeling a bit low. I really thought after getting on for 7 weeks I would have a firm diagnosis and/or a treatment plan, but I am completely in the dark. I have only told my husband and work so am keeping normal for other people (eg children, siblings etc) but it is getting me down now. I really understand that there are other people more urgent than I am, and it was a bank holiday on Monday, but I am struggling now Disappointed

  • Aw, sorry to hear your news, the waiting is so hard, where abouts are you? I'm in the UK, I first went to my gp on the 12th Nov, hospital on the 27th where I had biopsies and scans, mri on 4th Dec,PET-CT on the 9th, 12th found out in was breast cancer, 15th found out it had spread, 21st found out it was in my lymph nodes in my stomach as well as my arm pit, also spread to my liver, it has veenba tough Christmas and New year, I finally got a call today for a phone call next Wednesday and my first chemo session and daily injections next Thursday as mine is invasive ducatal, with HER2 Positive, I totally understand how you feel with the waiting, but we will get there, I have had to tell my family, I have 3 grown up girls, 27, 25 and 20, that was very difficult... tell who you need to, I found it easier once I had told people, hugs to you, you're not alone in this xxx

  • thank you for replying, i am sorry to hear what a tough time you have been having, i hope your treatment goes as well as it can, i imagine christmas was very hard for you all. I am in London, Bart's to be precise. I think it’s the lack of communication I am struggling with, and still having no idea what the other tumour is. I was waiting until I knew what was happening before telling people but I think I may have to sooner. I do understand that clinically I am not urgent (well unless the new tumour is something else) but it’s the not knowing that’s so hard. Good luck with your treatment x

  • My initial contact with GP was end October, saw them 6 Nov. Already it feels like I can’t remember life before this which i know is daft it’s hardly been any time, in grand scheme of things

  • I’m sorry you are going through this.  I think the hardest user of this journey is the waiting so I do sympathise with you.  As for telling the rest of your family and friends, I wonder if it might help if you tell them. I’m sure they will all be wanting to support you and to talk openly about it could help.  Obviously it’s your choice and respect to you whatever you decide.  I hope you get your plan soon, I found once things start moving it brought a lot of relief.  Take care and you are definitely not alone in this just as Rainstorm says.  X

  • No matter what the situation it is going to be hard, the big C for anyone is not easy, mine is no longer curable but treatable, so every extra year once i kick its ass will be a blessing really, and I'm not religious, I'm in Hull up north Joy the more me and my hubby discuss it, the easier it gets, my work know, I work for adult social services, and they have been amazing which means I don't have to worry about my job or money, 2 less stresses off the list... and now I have a date for my treatment which is Pertuzumab and docetaxel 3 weekly alongside trastuzumab injections daily, I am more relaxed about it all, once you get answers you will hopefully relax more, good luck, and I'm here if you need a chat xxx

  • I’m sending you hugs and positivity- I too am waiting (again) and struggling. For me venting here really helps as I don’t feel I can vent properly with family not because they don’t care or try to understand but more for my sanity and control.

    You (me) us are not alone but it can feel that way - I am going to try find a local group to see if speaking and meeting others in person could help. 

    Be kind to yourself

  • the CNS just called me back, said they won’t have biopsy results until 10 Jan at the earliest, that just made me cry which is so daft but i couldn’t help it. And so it goes on!

  • Just take one day at a time, and you need to cry, I have loads!!! We all have to go through the emotions and deal with them as best as we can, as shel has said, see if there is a support group local to speak to someone face to face, huge hugs to you xxx

  • Hi VCG

    Welcome to the forum sand I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Don’t think you are daft for crying because your results aren’t back yet. You certainly aren’t daft for having a little or even a big cry. Waiting for results is hard, the worst part of the cancer journey I think. As Shel007 said be kind to yourself, you deserve it.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your results when you finally get them.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi Rainestorm

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer and that it has spread.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your treatment.

    Best wishes


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