Anyone else on a similar path with the same type of breast cancer?

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So my breast cancer diagnosis before Christmas was Grade 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma ER Positive & HER2 Positive.  When I saw the consultant last the plan was CT & MRI scan , (cold cap) Chemo, Surgery, Radiotherapy and medication.

I see the consultant next Friday with scan results and I suppose the final plan. 

Today I’ve received my appt with Oncology on 17th Jan.  I’m guessing that’s my first round of chemo.  It doesn’t say on my letter.


Beck xx

  • I have the same diagnosis. Grade 2 with no spread to lymph nodes.

    Timeline -  mammogram and initial biopsy on 30th Nov, results on 6th Dec and lumpectomy with sentinel node removal on 13th Dec. Found out it was her2 positive on morning of surgery. As IDC was less than 1cm plan remained to remove. This is the point when I found out I also needed chemo on top of the radiotherapy that had originally been discussed.

    Started tamoxifen 7 days ago, no ill effects so far (mild hot flushes). I have initial oncology appointment on 19th Jan with aim to start chemo within two weeks of that. It’s been a whirlwind journey.

    Before oncology I have an appointment for ecg on 3rd Jan. The oncologist will prescribe my chemo schedule based on her review of my case and will tell my my chemo start date at the appointment.

    I feel lucky to have had such quick access to treatment. Wishing you luck on your journey.

  • Hi Becks40

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer. The first appointment with oncology will be to discuss your treatment and what chemo drugs you will be given.  They will also take you through the possible side effects of the drugs you will be given.  You will be given the telephone number of your chemo ward should need to contact someone at any stage of your treatment and you will also be given an out of hours number to ring if you feel any I’ll effects when your chemo ward is closed. Before you leave you will be given either drugs or a prescription for anti-sickness drugs should you need them.

    Wishing you the best of luck,with your treatment in the new year.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi Ronnie7, sorry to hear of your diagnosis, hugs.

    They said my lymph nodes looked ok, so thats a good sign I suppose. 

    Glad you’re feeling ok at the moment and hope your chemo goes as well as it can and you’re ok with it. 

    Sending you lots of hugs and luck on your journey too.

  • Hi Daisy53, 

    Thank you for sharing this information, I really do appreciate it.  Feel like I won’t be going into the appointment blind and I’ll be a little more aware of what will come from that appointment.  

    I just want to get started now so I can eventually get off this rollercoaster of a journey and be ok for my family.

    Big hugs and thank you.


  • Hi Becks, welcome to the "I don't want to be here," club. The one thing I wish I had been made aware of from the beginning is that no treatment plan is set in stone. My head is spinning with the speed at which plans change. I was due to have my 2nd dose of chemo today but it had to be abandoned a third of the way through due to some odd symptoms. I'm stuck in no man's land for another week until a decision is made about treatment options. You will have a multitude of blood tests, xrays, cardiac scan etc before you commence chemo but don't be daunted by this - they are there as baseline measurements during each treatment stage. Write down your main queries and show them to your oncology team rather than tryi to remember everything on th day. The very best of luck for your appointment and treatment

  • Same my diagnosis was slightly different but same feelings. Surgeon seemed definite plan but breast care nurse seemed more realistic that the plan might change. And it did. My attitude now is definitely one step at a time. Sending hugs xx

  • Hi Beck. I'm very similar to yourself.  I have a Grade 3 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma HER2+. Not yet staged.  I was given my diagnosis just before Christmas.  I started my chemotherapy journey yesterday. 5 months of chemotherapy if everything goes well,  then surgery.  My first appointment with the chemotherapy team was to discuss my treatment plan and booking in the appointments. My CT, MRI and Echocardiogram were completed before the start of treatment. 

    The mcmillan team have been absolutely amazing. If you haven't yet visited them in person I would strongly recommend you do. Great,  trustworthy information as well as emotional support for myself and family. 

    I hope things are progressing well for you and you have a few more answers for your treatment plan. Good luck with the cold cap

    Best wishes on your journey