One week post mastectomy

  • 16 replies
  • 269 subscribers

Hi all, I am new to the group and trying to navigate my way around the topics.
I’m doing OK after right breast, mastectomy and lymph node removal. Drains are out (what a relief). Only been able to take some of the Steri-Strips off, did people take their own off? Can anybody tell me how the glue stitches work? Does it just come off naturally? finding it a bit of an irritant on clothing. Must admit I’ve done a lot of preparation for the mental aspect of this, but not quite realised how much pain there would be.

Managing on painkillers though.

I try and do something every day and went out for coffee with a friend for an hour which was nice. Not wearing a bra so hid in a bulky jumper and scarf! 

finding this group really helpful so far – thanks all 

  • Hi Goldiewsm

    Welcome to the group - not a group you planned on joining I bet!
    I left the steristrips in place until my first consultant visit and he removed them. I’m too squeamish. I didn’t feel anything. I think the glue just disappears over time. It’s good to try and do normal things like coffees etc and now is a perfect time of year for bulky jumpers. Recovery takes time so don’t overdo things. Now is the time to put yourself first and rest when you need to. Hope your recovery goes well.


  • Hi,

    Sorry to hear you are having pain. I needed painkillers for a few weeks, mostly paracetamol. My arm was the worst, especially doing the exercises, but the exercises actually helped.

    I had tape across my scar and told to leave it until my post surgical appointment, although it started coming away itself. Steristrips will do the same. I didn't know there was glue until after, when the surgeon cleaned some away and the rest has slowly come away with showering. My sutures are dissolvable, but the ends were trimmed. 

    Wishing you well with your ongoing recovery and future plan.

  • Hi,

    I’m a week post right mastectomy tomorrow, drains out but some fluid left, dressings and steri strips being removed on Friday.

    I’m now developing tightness and pain in my armpit due to lymph node clearance but am doing the exercises religiously. I keep reminding myself it’s really early days.

    be interested to hear how you are getting on going forward


  • Thanks - much appreciated x

  • Thanks - good to know x

  • Sounds like we are at the same stage. Good to keep updated - thank you x

  • How are you doing, I hope everything is ok with you now, are you having any further treatments?

    My wound got infected and has only just finished healing, scabs just about to come off!

    I find out tomorrow my Oncotype results and if I’ll be having chemo before radiotherapy.

    i hope your recovery has been more straightforward!

  • Hi - really nice to hear from you. So sorry you have had an infection. I have been fortunate and healed well. I have good movement (not full yet but getting there. 
    I am awaiting results of a trial I entered- optima. This will determine after tests whether I have chemo or not. They look at whether you would benefit from it by assessing the tumour and testing 50 genes. Will hear at the end of next week. It is not clear if I will have radiotherapy yet. I will be happy either way but am anxious to know so I can prepare! 
    let me know your next steps when you know 

    keep positive Blush

  • Hi, I got my Oncotype results this morning (sounds very similar to the trial you are having) and it calculates the chance of recurrence on a scale of 0-100, a score over 26 and I would be having chemo. The results came in whilst i was there and the oncologist seemed as surprised as I was with a score of 9, so no chemo for me. I will be having radiotherapy to mop up my chest wall, whole breast area and up to my collarbone to cover those lymph nodes (like you I had axilla clearance). I have also started hormone therapy (Letrozole) today so let’s see how that goes. I have really good movement, almost full but it is my armpit that gets sore by the end of the day, how are you finding that?

    so it looks like the end is in sight and we can book a summer holiday Blush I hope you can find out your next treatment soon.

  • Hi! Yes I know what you mean re armpit. I often think it aches but is actually still numb- really weird. That’s good re chemo. I will let you know re my results x