Wide local Excision & Targeted Axillary dissection

  • 3 replies
  • 494 subscribers

Hi , I’m new on here.

i recently had WLE and Targeted Axilary dissection. I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Grade 2 IDC.

following surgery a haematoma developed so I had to have further surgery to evacuate this 2 weeks after initial surgery.

since the 2nd surgery I have an awful lot of fluid leaking from the wound site - the BC nurse has said it’s normal, but nearly 1 week on it’s still leaking a huge amount and was wondering if anyone else has had this? I literally have to change the absorbent dressings 3 times a day?

Has anyone else experienced this? 

Thanks x 

  • Hi Rub123

    i had a large hematoma and needed a second surgery.

    mine was a mastectomy and they tell you to expect pain, swelling and bruising so thought I was just being a wimp, my gp prescribed oramorph and advised to contact surgical team and two days later I was back in to repair a leaking blood vessel, I had a drain fitted but only for about three days. My bloods where quite low after and needed a transfusion. I do have a lot of skin discolouration which they said was due to the hematoma.

    if it worries you ask to see the consultant I stupidly left mine until I became quite poorly.

    I am 9 months on from my surgery still on Targeted therapy +daily hormone and twice yearly Zolotronic acids infusion and life is starting to get back to normal - just need my hair to calm down a bit after the chemo.

    Good luck with your recovery  Xxx

    1. Thanks Skylark!

    yes I thought I was being a drama queen too, so just carried on until I got to the point and thought I’m feeling worse rather than better! That’s when I went and they tried to drain it and then decided on further surgery! It’s just the fluid now that’s leaking - they tell me it’s normal! I have my follow up with the consultant/surgeon on Friday so will see what they say and hopefully they can finalise my treatment plan! Hopefully it hasn’t spread to the additional lymph nodes they removed!

    thanks again and hope you’re starting to make a good recovery xxx

  • Hope it all settles down for you and that you get good results on Friday let’s know how you get on. Xxx