Just Diagnosed

  • 20 replies
  • 457 subscribers

Hi all, I literally just been diagnosed with stage 2 beast cancer, I really dont know how I'm supposed to feel.  I'm not upset,  I've not cried and I actually feel all right on a whole.  I do know tSlight smiles will change once I have my operation and stay treatment.  My husband keeps saying,  it's OK to cry but I'm not u happy. I know most purple come through this and with the medical technology around Slight smileknow all the help is there.  I don't know if its the realisation that it's not sunk in yet,  or am I in shock,  I really don't know,  has anyone else felt like this? Any thoughts on the matter is muSlight smile appreciated Slight smile 

  • Hey it is completely normal to feel that way.  5 months since being diagnosed myself.  Had the operation- mastectomy and reconstruction- 2nd chemotherapy done and I still feel this isn't happening to me and I am.in someone elses life.  It is one of the most strangest feelings that you will feel.

    I have been like you, not really cried, had a couple of moments don't get me wrong but mainly been positive about it.  Glad I went for my mammogram, glad it showed up, grateful for the NHS that is getting me through one of the roughest times of my life.

    I will get better, my body will heal - can't wait to ring that bell at the end of this

     Hope you are doing OK and get through this too xx 

  • Hey Janice, thanks for replying, my husband is being great, but like you I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel.  I'm really tired all of a sudden, but yes doesn't feel real, feels surreal. Am I supposed to cry,  get upset,  feel remorse.  I can't I'm ok and know we will all get through this with the experts and nurses and treatment.  We will beat this  though I don't feel I have anything at the moment. People and friends say it is shock but I'm not sure,  anyway good luck on your journey,  we can do this 

  • I was ok as well. My head went mince mjnd you.  I completed a 1000 box step up challenge  days after being diagnosed.   Was fully active at the gym until the day before my surgery.   Since then I have struggled mire physically than mentally.   Head is still mince at times.  But my goals are the kiltwalj next month and pretty muddy in June.  I will do them.  Cos thats the Scorpio in me.  

  • I'm not long diagnosed either.  I feel absolutely fine and ran Cambridge half marathon earlier this month. I had a set back yesterday and now I'm in the dumps

  • I hope you are ok sending you big hug xx

  • I too was diagnosed recently (male 53). I have my mastectomy and lymph nodes removal on 12th April with genetics to follow. 

    I'm very fortunate to have an understanding boss at work who rang me to tell me not to worry about being paid while convalescing (up to 6 weeks)

    I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis, it's a very strange feeling isn't it (especially as most, if not all of the ladies in the clinic thought I was there for my wife!!!)

  • I love  you saying your head went mince, mine is full of broken biscuits! I'm probably not going to make two 10k races I have in May but I'm hoping to do the Forth Bridge 5k run in November. 

  • Go you xx. Small goals  and we will get there x

  • Hope all goes well with you too

  • Hi Sasssy everyone reacts differently. I have cried very little through the whole process and have taken it a step at a time. I was lucky it was caught very early and was told it was fully treatable. At times I thought I wasn’t reacting how people expected me to. So I would say it’s ok not to cry too x