Just Diagnosed

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  • 456 subscribers

Hi all, I literally just been diagnosed with stage 2 beast cancer, I really dont know how I'm supposed to feel.  I'm not upset,  I've not cried and I actually feel all right on a whole.  I do know tSlight smiles will change once I have my operation and stay treatment.  My husband keeps saying,  it's OK to cry but I'm not u happy. I know most purple come through this and with the medical technology around Slight smileknow all the help is there.  I don't know if its the realisation that it's not sunk in yet,  or am I in shock,  I really don't know,  has anyone else felt like this? Any thoughts on the matter is muSlight smile appreciated Slight smile 

  • Hi ya I'm 56 and yes it's such a strange feeling overall,  if anything I don't have a feeling, is everyone else. I feel bad I'm Not showing much emotion, I feel I should be.  I'm just waiting on my operation date now to remove the lump and lymph nodes. I'm sure after the op and  with the treatment I need I will feel different, I think.

    I'm glad there are so many people going through the same thing,   like yourself, it's nice to know we all have each other to talk to and support each other here and in our time if need. 

    Here if ever you want to chat too.

  • Wow that's so amazing, well done you,  I feel fine just as I said I don't know how to feel really, it seems everyone else is more upset than me.  Which I do feel guilty about.  But at least there is this community to talk to.  Take care yourself and her for you too.

  • That's so amazing too,b is loveb to run but have osteoarthritis in my knee s and ankles lol so v walking it is for me. 

    I still not sure how to feel and feeling a bit guilty for it sometimes,  but I invite we have all the help in the c world out there and people like yourself to talk to. 

    It's definitely strange as don't know how to feel Confused 

  • Hi , I too feel like you and some days it just feels like I'm in a dream Unamused I was diagnosed on the 16th March got the test results on Saturday and now waiting for treatment . The waiting is the worst and can't get to grips with it ,some days I do feel like crying but it doHeartsn't happen but it is nice to be able to speak to people going through the same things . Sending you a big hug Heart️

  • Bless you, at least we're here for each other. I'm sure we'll be fine. It's been a rough year for me as I buried my mum 2 weeks ago too Cry 

  • Hi I understand I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel either , I'm  6mths down the road   of recovery and it’s as if nothings happened had opp ,the radiotherapy ,and on letrozole for 10 yrs and I’m just getting on with it ,  don’t discuss it and no one mentions it and I havrnt  cried either ..up till now haven’t though about it really ..reading your post had made me wonder  why is that .. perhaps it’s my unconscious way of  coping with the diagnosis ..I suppose we all react to things differently…think a chat with someone in MacMillan may help ..

  • I do feel quite quilty that I'm not upset, everyone else is, I got my diagnosis on Monday the 25th. I don't feel anything.  I'm walking early every morning and I think that's my subconscious and I'mSleepingaving terrible nightmares about the strangest things,  it's almost my mind deals with it while I'm sleeping Sleeping which is making me so tired. I'm just waiting on my operation date now.  I'll see how I am after that. Glad you have come through the worst and on the recovery path.

  • Sorry to hear that,  I guess we are stronger than we realise sometimes, these things are sent to test us .

  • Thank you so much Heartbeat  got my diagnosis on Monday like you just waiting for an operation date.  This is the tough bit but again no reaction either.  Hopefully it will come and we will get a date soon, sending hugs to you too x

  • Hi really reasuring to read your post as I feel exactly the same. 

    I had my diagnosis six weeks ago and I've still not cried. After my diagnosis, IDC stage 2, I was told I would need a lumpectomy and sentinal node biopsy, no choemo needed he said at this stage and lymph nodes looked clear. I think when waiting the week for diagnosis I had thought the worst so to be told this I actually felt quite relieved abd lucky.

    I have since had my op, 10 days ago, and I am now have to wait till the 11th April for my results. I still feel fine about it though, just impatient to know what's next.

    People keep asking how I am and I don't think they quite get why I'm not a sobbing wreck, but that's not me anyway, I'm generally a positive person, it's my family I feel more upset for as they have taken it a lot harder than I have. 

    I guess I may feel differently if my results aren't what I'm hoping for, but I refuse to dwell on that! 

    It's great to read about other people's reactions on here, everyone finds their own way of coping and no way is right or wrong you just find the best way for you. 

    Sebdinghugs and positive vibes.