Invasive lobular newbie

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  • 483 subscribers

Joining the club that nobody wants to join. I had a gut feeling it was BC and seeing BC nurse waiting confirmed it .

Just diagnosed ILC 1.5mm , looks not in lymphs. Told MRI, lumpectomy , radio and inhibitors as I'm post meno (56).

Found what turned out to be a benign lump but GP referred as she found a harder mass inside right breast . 

Mammogram was hard to read because was ILC and and I have dense breasts but top radiographer found it. 

I have consultant appointment Wednesday , then hopefully MRI this week. Just praying it hasn't spread anywhere else, that it's the slow one.

It's been a long weekend and I cried when my 22 year old daughter have me her Mother's Day card today.

 No sleep Friday night, I did sleep last night but my hubby didn't. 

Going to work tomorrow, my boss knows but will tell a closed circle of others in the morning .

Hoping I will have more info this week.

I'm reading abou the treatment and it's scaring me to death , especially the radio and inhibitors. Not sure I want to know my prognosis but am jumping the gun on that anyway.

I'm a terrible overthinker. I lost my mum to pancreatic cancer 4 years ago and it totally scarred me how brutal it was.

Thanks for listening x

  • Hi klf welcome to the forum.  Like you I was diagnosed with Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer, no lymph  nodes involved though they always take the sentinal node to check and I'm still creating mischief 6 years down the line. The MRI is just to give them a better look at the Cancer as Lobular does present differently to other Breast Cancers. Don't be surprised, based on this, that when they remove this is it is bigger then than could see on the Mammogram if that makes sense?. I then went on to have Radiotherapy and this is pretty painless although caring for your skin is a priority during and after treatment. Im  not going to lie to you it can be hard but one tip someone gave me and I say stick with it is dont think about the whole thing, just take a bit at a time and get through that, then move on to the next part, otherwise you will easily get overwhelmed. Please, whatever you do STAY OFF GOOGLE it is not specific enough and will scare the life out of you, often needlessly.

    We are here for you as and when you need us to be so please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. 


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  • Hi Gail,  thank you so much, you've just made me cry, in a nice way.

    Having never heard of lobular until Friday and now read too much about it, I was pretty down.

    I have the Liz O' Riordan book, which tole me to expect it to be beiiger and the sentinel node test.

    I'll update the thread after I have my MRI results .

    I promise, I will stay off Google and stick to this and my BCN. 

    Thank you again x

  • After my shock last week, things are moving .

    I have an MRI Monday and an op booked next Friday.

    Still talking about lumpectomy, I guess unless MRI shows something bad, which I'm half expecting..

    I've been to work this week and told who needs to know - I only work part time but I'm tired .

    Can anyone tell me how they check if it's spread ? I'm paranoid  about a pain on the same side as ILC but BCN says it will be nothing . 

  • Hi klf

    Sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer.  They may give you contrast dye which shows up certain areas in the body to check for spread.

    Best of luck with your MRI and your operation. 

    Best wishes


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  • Hi Daisy , yes it’s the contrast dye MRI .

    Hope you’re doing okay. 

  • They’ll likely do a CT scan of chest abdomen and pelvis to look for spread. fingers crossed they don’t find any. I imagine they’ll do a sentinel nose biopsy to look for near lymph node spread when they operate. The MRI scan will determine if you can have a lumpectomy. Mine showed the tumour was much bigger than initially thought and a second shadow showed a second tumour. Generally you can have a lumpectomy if the tumour is less than 4cm. Fingers crossed for you xx

  • Hi Linda 

    CT not mentioned .

    Sentinel node , yes .

    I’m expecting results to be worse than I have now , which is 1.5mm , no lymphs Cry

  • The CT for me was after the MRI but both were pre op x

  • I’m going to ask , thanks 

  • My ct scan was post op and was checking to see if the cancer had spread.thankfully that is not the case.  Although I do have a lump under my arm which they have taken biopsies.  Am awaiting these results