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  • 482 subscribers

Hi, I'm a newbie to the group. 2/3 of the way through radiotherapy after chemo and surgery. I thought I'd be feeling all positive and keen to restart my life. But feeling more anxious, fatigued and achy than at any point. Weird

  • Hi , its to be expected really. the chemo can take quite a while to get out of your system in my case over 6 months before my brain fog started to lift. Then there is the radiotherapy on top of it all and it makes you feel down, tired, and most definatly achy. A lot of my friends including myself did not feel back to full health for a full 6 months after all our treatment had ended. Your body has been bombarded with drugs and it needs to repare its self. This is normal, so dont be to hard on yourself, rest, eat well, and sleep its what your body needs to get well again,  and it will  All the best Dawn x

  • Thanks Dawn. The worst of it is that I'm a physio who's worked with oncology patients and now work as a disability assessor! The help seems to be there during treatment then everyone thinks that when it's over.... you ought to be back to normal

  • I know what you mean, its as though well we are done here so off you go, its the support we can miss. It took me a time to find myself again, and going back into the work place was difficult and took me some time to adjust. It will take time to feel like you again well the new you anyway. You will though with time