Re: Radiologists reading of mammogram and ultrasound scan.

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  • 488 subscribers

Does a radiologist have a fair idea as to whether or not an 8mm abnormality is likely to be cancerous? During biopsy I was very shocked and dazed and I said to the radiologist, "I have a feeling I might be at the beginning of a long journey. If I remember correctly, I think he replied, "probably". As well as the biopsies he inserted a titanium clip to "mark the spot." I find I am trying to recall everything that was said. I know I should just wait and see what the results say next week, but I'm really struggling with this. Also is it usual to take two biopsies?. He said it was to make sure the pathologist had enough tissue to analyse.

  • Hello, sorry you find your self here. This is a really difficult time, the waiting is almost the hardest part. To my knowledge no one can tell a mass is cancer until the lab has done the biopsy. Yes they radiologist might be able to draw on experience and likelihood but the biopsy will confirm one way or the other. I believe many do come back non cancerous, that’s why they test in all cases of concern. All that said my radiologist said my lump looked like it could be cancer when I asked the question and the nurse said.. yes but it’s small (10mm) and the biopsy will confirm 100%. The biopsy can also tell the grade of anything found. Hopefully you won’t have too long to wait for results. Sending love and hugs x

  • Yes they do know, not always conclusively but they have a reasonable idea, the look of the edges, the way it seems to be structured. It was the radiologist who first told me. I had a DCIS previously and when I went in for my ultrasound she was looking at my mammogram that day and comparing it to my follow up mammograms after my last occurrence. I said to her ‘do you think it’s cancer?’ she said ‘yes I’m pretty sure it is, we’ll do biopsies now as well as the ultrasound, we then had a long conversation about it. I then went into see the consultant (the hospital has a one stop breast clinic) and she said she thought it was breast cancer and that I had issues in the nodes and that the biopsy would determine what kind they were dealing with. So it was actually the radiologist who told me. All of that said it still could be nothing sinister, I have had a friend who had lumps, then biopsies as they weren’t 100% (but they said at the time they really weren’t sure) it came back all fine, benign cysts. Try and wait until your results. Sorry you find yourself here and know that even if it’s not good news, many cases are treatable. All the best x 

  • Hi Dulcibella

    I was told on the day of my biopsy and mammogram that I had cancer. I think they have certain markers that tell them what is going on although they said it was not 100% foolproof. They also took two samples and then popped in the titanium clip. 

    Waiting is the worst thing ever but when you know what's happening and any treatment starts it does become easier to handle.

    All the best on your journey. Love and hugs x

  • Oh yes and sorry I had 3, two in the breast and one from a node x

  • Hi there, Many thanks for taking the time to reply. Would you mind me asking if  you were given the size. The radiologist told me mine is small, 8mm, He said he could find no other area for concern. He used the ultrasound into my axilla and said he found no abnormality. xx

  • Hi there, Many thanks for taking the time to reply. Do you mind me asking if they told you the size? Mine was measured at 8mm, he said it was surprising I had found it as it was small. xx

  • Hello, yes she said 10 mm, which was confirmed during my MRI scan. Mine was picked up through my first routine mammogram. Couldn’t feel it. The MRI scan then picked up a further 3mm lump undetected by mammogram because of dense breast tissue. So they were able to remove both during surgery and I’m now well. Feel free to click on my name to see my journey it might give you a little insight of what to expect, and feel free to ask as many questions as yiu like. X

  • I had an ultrasound first and I have to say the chap doing that one was very tight lipped.  He was giving nothing away at all if he knew.

  • Mine was very small only 4mm but they did find a 20mm DCIS during my lumpectomy which they didn't know was there. Xx

  • I’m pretty sure they know.  I discovered a lump in my left breast in June 2022. My GP didn’t think it was sinister and the breast clinic consultant suspected a cyst.  When the radiologist started the ultrasound she said she was looking for a cyst, very quickly she said “no, not a cyst, and you have a lymph node, I am going to biopsy “, she took 2 biopsies on 2 sites.  I plucked up the courage and asked what was she thinking, she just put a hand on my arm and said “worrying”.  I had a stage 3, grade 3 IDC 22mm x20mm with one positive lymph node.  In addition I was triple positive.  I finally finished 18 months of chemo on 1 December 23.  Am on Anastrasol for 10 years and 6 monthly infusions of zoledronic acid for 2 years.  Have a follow up consultation with oncologist on Thursday, hoping there will be no more surprises.  Good luck to all on this journey. Xx