Exhausted 2 weeks on from radiotherapy

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Hi, i finished 5 days of the larger dose intense radiotherapy just 2 weeks ago and the last few days have been really difficult, I feel completely drained and exhausted with very little to zero energy, I cant even say It's because I'm doing too much, I feel this way after doing very little. I was told it can make you feel tired but i wasnt expecting this level of fatigue. Feel like i just want to sleep all the time, but dont, i get up and go about my day,  but thats how i feel. I'm taking tamoxifen and wondering if this is also adding to how I feel. Anybody else feeling or felt this way after finishing radiotherapy, just need to know if this level of fatigue is to be expected.? X

  • Maybe I’ve had longer tiredness from the radiotherapy because I had 25 sessions, I’m sure you’ll be feeling less exhausted each week. I’ve heard that the tamoxifen can cause aches and pains , I had bad knees at the beginning, but now it’s eased . The oncologist recommended to do exercise, especially cardio , easier said than done !!

  • Oh wow!! 25 sessions? How on earth did you do that? No wonder you where so exhausted for so long !! Oncologist recommending you to do exercise??  I'm sure on some days you didnt have the energy to lift a toothbrush to brush your teeth! I know Exercise is the last thing I would want to do right now! I do hope your symptoms have eased for you now. I read the article, it was very good and I recognised myself in there and could relate to almost all of it! Thank you and take care 

  • Hi, I have read the article by Dr harvey. It's very very good and he just validates everything you're feeling, and yes I did recognise myself in it. Thank you xx

  • I’m so glad you have read the article, it really helped me understand my feelings which I thought weren’t normal. 
    Radiotherapy became a routine and between bank holidays and the odd day the machine wasn’t working ended up being 6 weeks. 
    one hour to the hospital, one hour back , the morning was gone , I’m just relieved I wasn’t  working ! 

  • 6 weeks is a long time, the travelling in itself is tiring, thankfully I only had to go for 5 sessions with a weekend break in-between, my journey to the hospital was roughly the same amount of time, couldn't imagine having to do it for 6 weeks. I work but haven't been back since I was diagnosed in february, not sure when I'll be ready to return

  • I don’t know what your job is , but it’s good you haven’t had to work at the same time as going through treatment. Take your time to return if that’s possible and go back when you feel ready . 
    I’ve been off since I had the lumpectomy and plan to return to work in September as it’s the beginning of the school year , not sure how I feel about it or if I feel ready to go back tbh . I’ll start off doing only a few hours and go from there . 

  • It's really hard isn't it? as you can't predict how you're going to feel once you return until you actually do it. I've been fortunate in that my manager has been very understanding, no pressure from her for me to return, I was paid full wage for 12 weeks, then went to half pay fpt so mamy and now ssp, so I don't know how long I'll manage on that and my fear is that  I will need to return before I'm fully able to. I too am hoping to do a phased return when the time comes. All you can do is wait until September and then see how you feel, each day dealing with this is different and unpredictable, don't push yourself or put yourself under any pressure x

  • Yes, it is hard not knowing what to expect back at work , I just don’t want to be stressed or feel pressured into doing more than I feel capable of. It’s great you have an understanding manager , that makes all the difference, see how much longer you can stay off and manage financially. 
    All the best with your continuing journey and return to work . We can do this !!

  • I have also finished 5 days of radiotherapy and I am truly exhausted.  To make things worse,  my left breast and arm feel very hot,  like a  burning feeling.  My sense of taste has changed and everything tastes metallic Thinking. I have been advised that it should get better after 2 weeks. I was prescribed Tarmoxifen,  however I am partially sighted, so my oncologist decided not to take it . I hope that you will start feeling better soon. Best wishes Heart. Aggie 

  • Thank you , I hope you do too! I felt very hot after radiotherapy,  not just at treated area but in general, that has passed now, but the fatigue continues xx