Exhausted 2 weeks on from radiotherapy

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  • 319 subscribers

Hi, i finished 5 days of the larger dose intense radiotherapy just 2 weeks ago and the last few days have been really difficult, I feel completely drained and exhausted with very little to zero energy, I cant even say It's because I'm doing too much, I feel this way after doing very little. I was told it can make you feel tired but i wasnt expecting this level of fatigue. Feel like i just want to sleep all the time, but dont, i get up and go about my day,  but thats how i feel. I'm taking tamoxifen and wondering if this is also adding to how I feel. Anybody else feeling or felt this way after finishing radiotherapy, just need to know if this level of fatigue is to be expected.? X

  • Yes you can feel exhausted from radio and then on top of that tamoxifen ,you will get stronger just take your time at your pace.have a nap during the day and take it easy.kind regards

  • Hi JoJa welcome to the forum. So sorry to hear how you are feeling? Radiotherapy can cause overwhelming fatique that is often indescribable so what is happening is totally normal and it will pass but be prepared as it may last for few weeks . The only thing you can do is to rest up as you are able and dont over do things and also try to get plenty of sleep.   


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  • Thank you for your reply, it's good to know that how I'm feeling is 'normal' I just wasnt expecting it to be so overwhelming. I'm not normally one for giving into things but this has floored me x

  • ThankyouSlight smile  I am trying my very best not to do too much, but I'm just not one for sitting doing nothing, I wouldn't say I'm doing too much either but my body is obviously telling me otherwise. People seem to think that now my treatments over that I should be ok and I feel they're finding it difficult to understand why I'm not in top form. It's hard to make them understand because as you said the fatigue is indescribable x

  • I think this is completely normal. I had chemotherapy, so I didn't notice the radiotherapy fatigue so much (already very fatigued!) but I do remember the radiologist saying that radiotherapy peaks 6 weeks after you stop your sessions, so you will still be getting affected by the treatment itself for a while longer.

    • Hi, thank you for your reply, my sister in law also  had chemo then radiotherapy and she said to me you'll feel a little bit tired, you'll be fine , it's a breeze!. Which I'm sure after chemo thats how it felt. So I feel like a bit of fraud, when I'm telling people how exhausted I actually feel, I cant express how overwhelming it is. On top of this I have an autoimmune disease that too causes fatigue, i usually have fortnightly injections to control the disease progression  but after my cancer diagnosis I was advised to stop the injections until after treatment, so I don't suppose this is helping either. 
  • Hi JoJa if you can look.up a paper written by a psychologist called Dr Peter Harvey and you will see yourself I'm.sure in there in what you are saying. It is entitled "After the Treatment Finishes: Then What"? and it is so insightful and I know that you will recognise you in there as I know I did when it comes to finishing treatment and people expect you to be back to you. Sending some big hugs your way for now. 


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    • Thank you , I will definitely take a look at this, joining this forum I know I'm not alone in how I'm feeling and things could be also be lot worse xx
  • Hi , I can totally relate to what you’re saying. I finished radiotherapy almost 2 months ago and only now starting to feel less exhausted. I’m also taking tamoxifen which I’m sure must add to the tiredness  plus I get terrible hit flushes and have trouble sleeping. How are you feeling on the tamoxifen? 
    Do try and read the article by Peter Harvey ,it really is excellent.

    take care. 

  • Hi, thank you for your reply, oh my god i really do hope I won't feel this way for 2 months,  and yes I do think the tamoxifen is also contributing to the fatigue. I started the tamoxifen on 29th April, for the first couple of weeks I felt really nauseous and it would just come over me really suddenly, the hot sweats started about 2-3 weeks ago, they are horrible, I've got a fan in my bedroom and it's on constantly. my GP put me on low dose citalopram to help with the sweats and they have helped to a certain degree, I've also got a few aches and pains, in my back and my knees, not sure if the tamoxifen is to blame for this or of its just an age thing! Lol I will read the article x

    Thank you