Exhausted 2 weeks on from radiotherapy

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  • 321 subscribers

Hi, i finished 5 days of the larger dose intense radiotherapy just 2 weeks ago and the last few days have been really difficult, I feel completely drained and exhausted with very little to zero energy, I cant even say It's because I'm doing too much, I feel this way after doing very little. I was told it can make you feel tired but i wasnt expecting this level of fatigue. Feel like i just want to sleep all the time, but dont, i get up and go about my day,  but thats how i feel. I'm taking tamoxifen and wondering if this is also adding to how I feel. Anybody else feeling or felt this way after finishing radiotherapy, just need to know if this level of fatigue is to be expected.? X

  • I've finished 5 days of radiotherapy and have so much pain in my arm. (Possible nerve damage) spoke to my consultant today who says it will pass with time but also that since they started doing 5 days intensive radiotherapy lots of women are having more extreme side effects. Also suffering from lymphoedema in breast and arm. Hoping everything will settle soon as in finding this period the hardest part of my cancer journey. 

    • I really do feel for you, it's so hard. Some of my symptoms have passed but recently I've started to get horrible stabbing pain in my treated breast which I was told could happen. Its just feels like one sympyom passes and then another symptom starts. This forum reminds us that were not alone on this awful journey! I really do wish you well, take good care of yourself x
  • hi joja, radio knocked me down and out, cried a lot. and was exhausted at the end, i think they over simplify the effects when they tell you about it. I also got more side effects months out from treatment. be kind to yourself, do things but at a slower pace for awhile.

    The chemo side effects are still with you too, its going to take awhile, i only felt like i could do bigger things in June after doing radio in January and I finished chemo in Nov, its not that I did nothing, but big jobs like hedges and bigger house projects had to wait as I just didn't feel up to them.

    taking time yo recover is not giving in

  • Hi. I totally agree with you when you say they simplify  the effects! Maybe they feel if they where t o tell you 'all' the facts they may worry patients wouldn't go ahead with treatment ! That doesn't help the patient though , I feel i may have been better prepared for the sledgehammer that hit me had  they not played down the 'actual' feeling of how overwhelming it actually is! Thank you for you're reply and i hope you continue  becoming stronger with each day of this crap journey! 

  • Hi again Joja , we messaged around a week ago, just wondering how you are feeling now . 

    • Hi, I'm feeling much better now thank-you, still feeling extremely tired, I had lymphnode gland swell up in my neck and i was put on antibiotics by my GP , she seems to think I had an underlying infection, so I'm thinking that was also adding to how awful I felt. 
  • Hi , glad you are feeling better , the infection must have added to how terrible you were feeling. I seem to catch everything since I finished the radiotherapy, I’ve had a stomach bug , Covid … I guess defenses are low . 

  • Definitely, my GP said that! your immune system is going to be compromised. I hope you're feeling better too!